Demon Slayer : The Second Sun breather

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Today, my kasugaya crow sent me on a mission to a new location. It is a beautiful autumn day, and my birthday as well. I've seddled up Haru, early in the morning.
Quickly grabbed an onigiri for breakfast in a near by shop.
We've set off, for the long road ahead.
The journey, took us the whole day.
While I was traveling, I looked at the colorful leafs on the trees. Slowly, they are all falling to the ground. In time, snow will cover the half of Japan.
I've always liked autumn. Its the cozyest month in the year, but truth to be said, I don't really remember when was the last time I could just climb under a blanket, with a cup of tea. The job I do, doesn't really allowe it, she giggles.
It seem's time is just, flying by. All these things that happened, seem so unreal.

Yoko: Look Haru, slowly but surely we are reaching the village my kasugaya crow sent us to.

Sudenly, Yoko hears a loud scream, in the distance.
Yoko : Huh, what was that ?!
Kasugaya crow : A demon, demon, A demon, demon!
Yoko : A demon ? The sun has set only twenty minutes ago ! fast ?!?

Yoko immediately sets out to the location the kasugaya crow is leading her, pushing Haru to gallop faster every step. She knows, that every second is precious now. Quickly, she and Haru jump through the rice field, breaking they're way through the forest.

Yoko: *inner voice*: I must think of a plan to save anybody that is in danger, I can't let anybody die tonight, not on my birthday, not again ! I must make my mother, and Kanae proud...I must !

As she reaches the end of the forest she sees, a man trying to protect his family from a demon. Their carriage broken down, and the horse that was pulling it dead. There are four children, a women and him, but several meters behind them, is a village! Quickly, evaluating the situation, instructing the kasugaya crow to call for help a hashira, that is the closest by. Fiercely standing up in her saddle, ready to take off to battle, using the seventh form of sun breathing : suns kiss!
She arrives at the last second, cutting off the demons hands. Standing between him and that family.
The demon is confused, it can't regenerate his limbs back so quickly, due to the burns it took from Yoko's blade.

Yoko instructing the man : Fast you must run, warn the villagers to leave, and don't stop running until sunrise !

The family sets off running towards the village. Scared to death. Wounded, but alive.

As she turns around to face the demon again, she's almost hit by the demons fist! Swiftly avoiding it, with only a mear scratch. For a moment, the demon stops, Yoko raises her sight, the dust starts to settle, she is able to see the demon clearly now.

The demon is huge, has a bat-like head, huge claws, and a pair of bat-like wings. But what catches her attention, is what's written in his eyes. Upper moon 6 !

Demon : What now ? Are you stund ? Scared ? Haha! You should be,
I'm upper 6 ! I am the village eater. I'm sure you heard of me, I am quite popular in the demon slayer comunity. Non slayer was strong enough to kill me yet, not even the hashira ! I've already killed three of them!
Yoko looks angrily at the demon. Piercing him, with her angry expression, in her eyes.
Yoko: No matter what you say, I am the only one standing between you and all these civilians ! If you want to get to them. I will put you through hell ! *inner voice* : That's right! Other slayers warned me about this demon, I'm not strong enough to beat it, but help is on the way, if I manage to hold him off, I can protect the civilians.
Demon : Wait a minute, we've met already didin't we ? I killed a one like you before.
Yoko: I would remember seeing an ugly face like yours !
Demon: Well then, my apologies Im Kōmori...but I do remember! I killed a relative of yours, haven't I? I can tell by the scent you give off. You look just like her. And that smell....ahhh! Her appearance made my cells croumble, just the same. I like it ! It's something I don't experience very often. I like...a little chalange !
Her spirit was strong, but not enough to kill me, hahaha ! You can try too, see for your self bitch. You aren't even a hashira. So that will be easy ! Ahahaha !
I can't believe the Gods have blessed me like this ! I can complete my colection now, if I kill you, then that means I definitely killed everyone from that village in between the mountains ! Kōmori smilles, with his ugly huge teeth.

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