Demon Slayer : The Second Sun Breather

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They all leave the house together.
Walking down the street, they soon reach the town square, Yokos eyes light up. She has never been to a festival before. So just like a little girl, her eyes sparkle. Smelling all these new scents, hearing lovely music playing in the background.
Yoko: This is so beautiful. Perhaps, that word isn't enough.
Shinjuro: Well and this is just the beggining. There will be fireworks after midnight.
Shinjuro looks at them, but soon he notices. Kyojuro isn't in the best mood.
All he wants, is this to be over. He is so frustrated with his father. He can hardly look at him. But he tries to hide it from Yoko as much as possible. He doesn't want her to know, what person. His father really is.
Kyojuro: I feel bad for being here, and not working. All these people that need my help now.
He looks down, at the ground.
Senjuro: Come on brother, even you need to take a breake once ! You can't overwork your self.
Yoko: Senjuro is right. You need to take care of your wounds first ! They still haven't healed up yet. Until then, I'll be by your side.
Yoko gently smiles at Kyojuro, how beautiful. He feels relaxed instantly. Looking up, he enjoys the sight of the festival. Smelling good food, hearing peaceful music playing in the background, and that atmosphere. It's so wholesome, all these other people, that enjoy it so much. So why shouldn't he ?
This is the place, his mother loved to go to. Looking down at Yoko and Senjuro, and with a calm, and relaxed voice. He speaks to them.
Kyojuro: Alright you two. Shall we ? 

They enter the festival, when Senjuro notices a puppet play in the background, and drags his father away.
Shinjuro wasn't prepared for this, so the young boy managed to pull the man away. Quickly he turns back at his son, and yells to him.
Shinjuro: He wants to see something.... we'll catch up later !
And in seconds, they are lost in the crowd.
Yoko and Kyojuro look confused, but they have time for themselves. How silly but cute they think.
As they walk down the street of the festival. Yoko looks all around them. It's attracting her. All these new things.
Kyojuro: When I was a child, we came here often.
Yoko: With your mother ?
Kyojuro: Especially with her. She always liked to buy, new things for her kitchen.
Come I'll show you around, I know this place very well.
Kyojuro and Yoko walk through the festivals market. Yoko is amazed by everything, all those smells, lights and music. When she sees a stand with stuffed animals. And like a little girl, she pulls Kyojuro towards it.
Looking at a stuffed tiger, it's so cute.
Kyojuro slowly makes his way to her. He finds her behavior adorable.
Yoko: Oh my God look at it ! These stuffed animals, they look so cute.
Pointing at the stuffed tiger.
The seller: You can win them, in my archery game young lady.
Yoko: Huh ? What game ?
The seller: If you shoot the target in the center, you can pick one animal out.
Kyojuro: You want one ?
He looks down at Yoko, with a warm smile. Her eyes sparkle so much.
Yoko: Huh ? Well I would like to have one. But I can't shoot from a bow.
In an instance Kyojuro gives money to the seller. Then, he takes a bow, and one arrow. Aiming it, on the targer.
Yoko looks at him, with such love. Nobody has done anything like this for her.
Kyojuro holds his breath still for a moment. Focusing his sight at the target.
And finally, going for it.
Shooting at the target, with lightning speed, hitting it in the center.
The seller is very much amazed at his skill.
And Yoko, like a little girl, stares at her man with admiration.
Seller: Wow ! You sure have talent young man.
You are now free to pick one animal out.
Yoko walks up to the stuffed tiger.
Pointing at it.
Yoko: Can I have that one please ?
Seller: Of course. Here you go. Have a good night you two.
Yoko: Thank you so much !
Yoko waves to the seller with a bright smile on her face. Looking at the tiger, she holds it close to her self.
Kyojuro takes Yoko by her hand, smiling, he made his girl happy.  Kyojuro: Anything for you, sunshine.  Smiling, he kisses her hand.
Kyojuro: Come ! I know a great business here !
Yoko: Oh okay, I'm starving !
Making their way through the crowd once again. Kyojuro notices a old lady, that sells hairpin's. Stopping by her shop, he buys Yoko a golden hairpin, with a sun like a detail, and a golden dragon.
Coming back to her, she wonders where he was.
Kyojuro: Yoko, wait !
They stop in the middle of the street.
But they don't mind.
He puts the hairpin, in Yokos beautiful long, and wavy hair.
Yokos eyes light up once again. She pulls him closer, and kisses him right on the spot. That kiss tastes so sweet.
Yoko: Thank you so much, Kyojuro.
Kyojuro smiles, as he brushes his hand through her hair.
Kyojuro: Don't thank me. Or else, I get you another one.
Smiling, he takes her by the hand again.
They continue walking.
Yoko: There is, so much entertainment everywhere. Your father and Senjuro, are nowhere to be seen.
Kyojuro: Ah yes, but I think they will find us in some point. They both know this place very well. So don't worry. Besides, I finally have you for my self.
He smiles provocatively.
Yoko: Oh is that so ? Haha ! I didin't know, you are so dirty minded.
That was a blow in the center, now she is the one. To smile provocatively. Kyojuro still finds it a little bit awkward. So he blushes through his words.
Kyojuro: So now, you'll at my own phrases huh ?
Smiling, the duo laughs walking down the street.

Demon Slayer, The Second Sun BreatherWhere stories live. Discover now