the klowns take Y/N to the tent/spaceship

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slims pov
I carry him on my shoulder while my brothers follow me to the tent. I think to myself he's so handsome, I think I'm in love with him. I hear Shorty talking to her, "What's your name?" Shorty asks him. "My name is Y/N. What's yours?" Shorty answers, "My name is Shorty, You have a beautiful name, Y/N." "Oh, thank you shorty". Y/N blushes hard. " These are my brothers, Rudy ( points at Rudy who is next to Slim), and this is Slim," he points to me. "N nice to meet you," says Y/N shyly. I smile sweetly while Rudy just looks at him with heart-filled eyes but doesn't say anything. " Hi Y/n," I say. Y/n just looks around the tent for a while until he looks at me and smiles. " I love your tent it's so colorful." I set Y/n on the bed.

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