celebrating Christmas with the klowns

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Today is Christmas ⛄ and my klown boyfriends love Christmas a lot we decorated the Christmas tree I got my boyfriend's their presents I also made their favorite cookies and food I couldn't sleep so I woke up early and took a relaxing bath because I was excited. I put in calming salts to relieve the tension I felt, then after the bath, I put on my Christmas outfit and waited for my boyfriends to wake up.

Killer Klowns POV
We woke up, got dressed in our Christmas outfits, and went to the living room to see our love waiting for us. We opened our presents and ate cookies and milk played outside in the snow even though it was super cold we enjoyed it. We made more cookies together we watched Christmas movies we used our Christmas presents. We made lunch together, too. Y/N ate more cookies than us.

My boyfriends and I made bloody eggs and sausage for lunch, and I made myself regular eggs and sausage cheese and put some red and green food coloring. After lunch, we went to the store and made little individual cakes with frosting for everyone for dinner. We watched TV almost all day after dinner. we all went to bed and slept.

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