~ ch. 1

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You were really beginning to feel self-conscious about what you were wearing. You personally did not believe in athletic wear and chose to just wear comfy clothes instead, but you were beginning to wonder if you should've invested in some sort of tracksuit at the very least.

Whatever, you decided, and raised a mean eyebrow at the next person whose eyes lingered on you for too long. You were here to start phase 1 and arguably the most important part of your plan: Get into UA. 

The school was obviously high-class, expensive, and very much different than your rundown middle school, which made your nerves flutter just a little more. You always tended to stay close to home, so you never really were out and about. With your brother working late at nights with his police officer job, you were in charge of babysitting and taking care of your younger sister. 

You smiled remembering how she had drawn a sloppy picture of you in crayon, a messy imitation of the English "H"  UA was shaped like in the background. She wished you good luck before you had left that morning. And she called you her hero... which admittedly drew a few tears from you.

The written exam wasn't too difficult - you were confident you had at least passed. Your middle school education wasn't great, but you had managed to swipe a few textbooks in decent conditions and had borrowed the resources your brother had used to study back when he was in highschool and university. Your parents had been in the picture then, back when you lived in the city - a long time ago. Your sister didn't even remember any of it.

On your walk towards the auditorium where the practical exam - which you weren't too worried about, but you were prone to overthinking - was, you walked in line with a stranger - a girl with beautiful teal eyes and bright orange hair, who turned to you nervously, clapping her hands together lightly in front of her chest in greeting.

"Hello!" She greeted you, a little shyly. You turned your head to look at her fully out of respect. She looked nervous - well, you were nervous too, you supposed, so it made sense. "I'm sorry if this feels really sudden to you. I just... I'm nervous for this exam, and I think talking with someone will help me..."

"Oh no, I don't mind at all," You tried your best attempt at a reassuring smile, though in the past year you had barely smiled at all (the bloodied river still fresh in your mind) and waved your hand in a gesture that emphasized your point. "I'm Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you."

"Itsuka Kendou!" She returned your greeting, more enthusiastic now that you'd been so kind to her. "What do you think will be on the practical?"

"I'm not entirely sure. UA switches it up every year, right?" You said, lightly pinching the material of your cheap pans. "Hopefully something I can work with easily, though I'm not holding my breath..."

Kendou laughed a little, a small but bright giggle. It reminded you painfully of your friend - what you counted as your first failure as a hero. You swallowed, attempting to stop thinking about the bad memories, but Kendou just reminded you so much of her. 

You missed her dearly. You bitterly reminded yourself Kendou wasn't your dead friend, and that should you have been simply better, your friend wouldn't even be dead...


"Huh?" You jumped a little in your seat. Beside you, Kendou looked on at you worriedly. 

"You seemed a little out of it there. Sorry, am I bothering you?" She asked. This time, you forcefully pushed away the thoughts of your middle school friend. It wasn't the time to mourn over your past and stupid mistakes.

"Not at all," You promised. "I... space out from time to time. Thanks for snapping me out of it."

"That's alright!" Kendou seemed relieved now that you weren't annoyed with her, and your heart clenched. She was so sweet and considerate, and you mentally berated yourself for putting her down, even if just for a moment.

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