~ ch 3

112 4 1

A/N: Hi! Really sorry for the big gap between chapters 1 and 2, I know I took a long time to update and I'm sorry about that. All uploaded chapters are also now on AO3 (the acc is ven13), so if you would like, you can read it there as well.

If you go on my wattpad profile to my announcements tab thing, I'll try and keep updates on when chapters are almost done.

I'm going to try and pump out more chapters this week! But this chapter is the first at UA, so please enjoy!

l/n! my letter arrived!

did yours come yet?

y/n :)

hi kendou! thats good

and it did! i just opened it earlier


i'm kind of scared to open mine

im just scared all that hard work i did wasn't enough

and I want nothing more than to be a hero

y/n :)


you're overthinking it

I promise you, even if you don't get into heroics, this is not your end

Not this early

And you will get in, i js know it

so... how about that letter?


that's really sweet of you

and I really appreciate it

Thank you so much L/N

I'll open it now, then


Kendou got in. You knew that for a fact; you'd seen her name on the top 10 scoreboard. But even though you were tempted to tell her this, just to reassure her because you felt so bad about her anxiety, you didn't. This was something you thought she should see for herself. Learn for herself, by herself, and for herself. Something that she needed to do on her own, without the safety net of prior knowledge.

So you stood back, not sharing your 100% knowledge and instead urging her on with confidence. Because even if you didn't already know she got in, in a position higher than yours, you still didn't doubt her abilities, even if you didn't know of her battle skills. Kendou could've made it in on rescue points alone, you had no doubt.

You stared down at the message she had sent you, telling you that she was about to open it. That was about ten minutes ago. Your own hologram had gone by in a blur, so you weren't really sure about the length of the video, but surely it wasn't that long...

Maybe you should've kept your confidence out, and just gently encouraged her to go on and open it. Because now you worried she thought you had spoiled it for her, because you already opened yours, so you would've seen her name on that board, and she would know that because she would see yours..

Ring!! Ring!! Ring!!

The catastrophically loud and annoying ringer of your phone went off, and you jumped before checking the caller ID. Across the screen read a cell phone number, along with "kendou" in all lowercase horizontally across the screen. Your inner turmoil only increased, but still, you picked up.

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