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"[Name]!" Immediately as you walked into your house again, you were greeted by your little sister, and surprisingly, Chikaya.

"Seika? Hi!" You bent down to meet her eyes and smiled, before giving a confused but happy little smile to your older brother. He usually wasn't home until late at night and left early in the morning, so you never really saw him much, but he was a welcome surprise after your entrance exam.

"Hey, kid," He walked closer to you, sitting down next to Seika, putting his hand over yours. He shared your H/C hair, but yours was fluffier, and his E/C eyes were a darker shade than yours. Plus, he had some wicked eyebags, but that was from chasing people around all day everyday for a living. "Surprise."

"Surprise," You mocked with a laugh, scooping up a cheering Seika by her armpits. "How'd you get off work today?"

"Well, I suppose the station could miss me for a day while I celebrate the beginning of one of the best future heroes of all time," your brother teased, following you and your sister to the kitchen. "How'd your exam go?"

It had honestly gone alright. In all honesty, you weren't sure if you had really made much of an impact on anyone there (though you had saved quite a few people from debris and robots), but you thought you'd managed to rack up enough points. While you were definitely disappointed you didn't get to save more people, you could forgive yourself for focusing on the exam and still saving whoever you could. Still, you hoped it would be enough.

"Hey," Chikaya laid his hand comfortingly on your shoulder, "get out of your head about it. You really overthink a lot, you know?"

You paused, staring into his dark, knowing eyes. They pierced you like a hawk. Chikaya was wise, he was perceptive, and great at comforting - all great traits for a police officer, but it made hiding your feelings a lot harder. Already, your eyes were getting hot and misty, and you quickly looked down.

"Mhm. Yeah. I do know that. It's just..." You paused, wringing your hands, before looking up again and shrugging your shoulders helplessly. "It's really hard not to."

He pulled you in for a wordless hug, ruffling your hair a little and running his hand up and down your back. It was nearly enough to make you cry.

"Group hug!" Seika cheered, and in all of her six-year-old height, barrelled into both of you, sending you stumbling back a few steps - but your brother, muscled and experienced, just caught her and laughed.

"Seika, don't knock your brother around like that," He chided gently. "What do we say when we do that?"

"Oh, no! No, I wasn't trying to do that at all!" Seika pouted, then made grabby hands at you. "Y/NNNNN! I'm sorryy..."

You found your little sister's antics adorable and laughed, walking up to her to run your hand gently through her hair.

"Sei, you're fine," You reassured her, "I'm happy to see you."

The soft smile on your face never once fell for that evening.


"Y/N! Y/N!" Chikaya called out for you, waving around a letter in his hand. For a second, you only tilted your head, confused.

"Chi...?" You greeted confusedly. "Is that a letter?"

"Of course it's a letter!" Chikaya walked over to you, placing it down in front of your hands. The letter looked fancy, fancier than honestly anything you owned, and the embellishments were definitely not a frugal purchase (you needed to know how UA got its money, 'cause that could buy you hella art supplies), but they were beautiful, and the seal on it engraved with the letters "UA" only solidified your expectations.

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