~ ch 7

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i also switched to present tense this chapter,, i don't feel like editing the past chapters though but this will be probs a permanent change

also, for this chapter:

n/n = nickname

i also don't know why the reads to votes ratio feels so low and why this story is growing so slow, so i'm a little unmotivated to continue writing


Your class files out the door, one behind another in groups of friends, until only you, Yaoyorozu, Shoji, Jiro, and a few other quieter classmates that are taking their time to make their exits are remaining. You're not sure if you'll end up going to lunch; you usually don't eat lunch anyway due to your lack of ability to afford three meals a day, and you're so tired it would be better if you just stayed in the classroom and slept...

Mind made up, you smiled and bid farewell to your friends, when Yaoyorozu also stops to talk to you. 

"L/N- Wait, well, sorry... Your name is L/N, right?" She asks first and foremost, to which you blink and nod. She hurriedly continues, "Apologies! Okay, thank you. I just wanted to thank you for your contributions in the representative voting. It's really noble that you look out for everyone."

"Oh, thank you," You smile at her through hooded, sleepy eyes that are beginning to droop and a lazy smile, and are about to reply when you're interrupted by your own yawn, to which she laughs light-heartedly, and then you actually reply, "It's really nothing that admirable. I must admit, my intentions were more selfish than most people are assuming. I didn't want to participate, and I thought maybe others wouldn't either, but it was mostly based off of me."

"But that's not selfish at all!" Yaoyorozu smiles at you, "You thought of others immediately after, right? And you spoke up not just for you, but also for them!"

You're about to argue, before you yawn again, and her smile grows fond.

"Tired, hm?"

"Very," You agree with a chuckle, "It's nothing to do with you at all. I came to class tired today."

Yaoyorozu nods sympathetically, her high ponytail bobbing with the movement. "I can relate to that. Well, I'll let you off the hook now. Sorry to have bothered you... I'm sure you wanted to rest."

"I did," You sit up straight, and sleepily wave at her, "But you aren't bothering me. You probably never could."

She looks about to interrupt and protest, so you hurriedly continue, "After all, I'll sleep better now knowing that I'm held in such high regards, right?"

Yaoyorozu's far too perceptive and intelligent for the meaning of your words to escape her as a reassurance, but luckily, she's also innocent and empathetic, and she can tell that you mean it. You truly do hold the opinions of your classmates in the highest regard possible, and you're sure she can tell. She smiles and nods, before bidding you a final goodbye and running off to the lunchroom because her quirk runs on food, so she definitely needs to eat.

You yawn, putting your head down on your desk, your eyes fluttering shut.


You're rudely awaken by loud shuffling abovehead, shuffling that sounds metallic and clangy, strangely enough. 

At first, you're reluctant to wake up. You're still tired, and you'd still very much appreciate every second of shut eye you could ever get before hero studies in the afternoon. However, shortly after these initial impulses, your rational side kicks in.

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