~ ch 6

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i lit just wanna pump out stuff so i can get to the usj and sports festival and the internships and the final exams but like theres so much in the way

i basically just wanna get to the later seasons like 2, 3, and 4 especially, 5 as well but i havent even watched the 6th yet but i know basically the whole thing because of spoilers

oh well


It was nice meeting up with your friends once again after your battle trial. They all showered you with praises until your face was bright red and you couldn't even look them in the eye, and then they laughed and continued to chatter amongst themselves and with you like they hadn't just given you more praise than you'd received in your whole life.

You wanted to be as easygoing as they were and give out such praise so easily to someone like you, but you thought you maybe deserved it this time. You were still basking in your unlikely victory, and you never wanted to stop.

"I'm up next, I think," Shoji hummed, pushing himself up to his feet. "Keep those bandages on a little longer, L/N."

You diligently nodded, tucking your hands in your pockets so you didn't pick at the bandages and ruin Shoji's handiwork. The class turned their attention back onto the screen to watch Shoji and that guy with the hair split down the middle's match - the guy with the ice quirk, you noted.

Your hands fidgeted in their places in your pockets, and you sighed, gripping the fabric in your hands tightly so that you wouldn't pick and pick and ruin Shoji's hard work. He was doing it because he cared about you.

He cared about you.

That was enough for you to deal with the discomfort, to deal with the need to have something moving. Your leg moved restlessly, bouncing up and down as you looked up, your gaze fixed on the screens. Your eyes clouded over to anyone watching, and your face melted into one of far away thought. When confronted with being alone in a room full of people, you floated away. That was just how you worked. 

Your eyes were on the screen, but you weren't really there, not really in that room. All you saw were stars and F/C floating in your vision, and you blinked away the starry sky, staring in surprise at a screen that now contained an image of a building filled to the brim with ice.

"He got in recommendation, so I knew he would be good, but damn!"

"Recommendation students are really just that much far ahead, right?!"

"Gosh, he can do this on the first day?! I'm just realizing now how much work I need to do..."

So that was a recommendation student, one of the four admitted to the hero course every year. That made sense. Only such a prestigious student, practically a prodigy, could do that so effortlessly. Your own win had taken the aid of your teammate and much longer, so you shuddered thinking about what it must be like to be on the opposing side of that boy's cold face and cold quirk.

Yui had been extremely helpful whether she'd actually done much on the battlefield or not, her quirk had been vital in all of your plans to win. You never would've been able to do anything without her, and you knew that, so even though you may have done some heavy lifting, she had done a lot as well, and you would never discredit that. But for that recommendation student, it seemed like he'd been planning to act on his own in the first place, and for that, you sympathized with Shoji, who the other student hadn't even considered working properly with.

You frowned. That wasn't a good trait for a becoming hero, and frankly for a recommendation student quite odd. The other three were all popular in class and made frequent useful comments in both core and heroics classes. That kid with the ice quirk was definitely the least approachable.

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