~ ch 5

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BATTLE TRAINING TIME!! i had to kinda mix and match a bunch of stuff from canon cause of the class B members also being here, so I hope everything makes sense! i kept midoriya, bakugo, uraraka, and iida all in their canon places because that's really important for character development. everyone else got a little jumbled

this is a LONG ASS FUCKING CHAPTER which was not my intention but I couldn't find a satisfying place to split this in the middle, so you just get a whole bunch at once

+ unnecessary angst i have no self control


You woke up before both Seika and Chikaya, who had a day off today since he had usually one day off per week, though he still had to be available in case of emergencies. He'd be sleeping in today, and Seika was too young for school and just starting a daycare program, so she wouldn't have to go until around 12PM anyways, giving you the opportunity to make breakfast, and slip out of the house without waking either of them up.

So that's what you did, making a simple scrambled egg dish and leaving a note bidding your siblings goodbye before you left for school. It was cold out, cold to the point you swore your bones shuddered in exhausted sighs, and you wished fervently that you could afford a nice jacket. It was supposed to warm up later today, but it was still unpleasant.

You always left a long while before school started so you could walk over, and UA was about an hour long walk away from your house, since UA was in the nice part of Musutafu and you were all the way in the opposite end of the city, but if you really hustled, the walk was an hour instead of an hour and a half.

So because you walked, it wasn't at all surprising to you when you were one of the last people in the classroom, just barely five minutes before the last bell rang, weaving your way through your classmates to your desk, just wanting to rest your feet after your long walk across the city. Already, you dreaded walking all that distance when winter came, but you didn't really have a choice - daily train tickets would be way too expensive, especially for a distance you could just walk.

Your discomfort mattered less than luxuries for your sister. That money you would use to buy a train ticket could easily make her happier.

"L/N!" Tetsutetsu said cheerily from behind you, tapping your shoulder. "What's up, dude? Got home safe last night? School did end late for us, since our senseis kept us late."

"Good morning," You smiled at him, turning to sit sideways in your chair to talk with your friend. "Yeah, I got home fine. How about you?"

"Hey man, you bet I did!" Tetsutetsu held up his fist for a fist bump, which you obliged to and bumped yours back with a happy grin on your face that you knew mirrored his. Even just this small friendly gesture, it made you really happy to know he at least cared a little bit about you. For you, that was refreshing. That was a sweet reminder of your better days early in junior high. "Hey, you met Kirishima, right?"

"Oh? Yeah, I did. I didn't really talk to him a lot, though." You thought for a moment, wanting to say more, "You two are a lot alike."

"Hey, I'll take being as manly as Kirishima as a compliment! Thanks, L/N!"

Just as you were about to reply, the sound of the door opening made both you and Tetsutetsu  jump and you quickly turn around to face the front of the room.

Aizawa walked in, back slouched, looking impressively done with the day despite it being eight in the morning, and walked right up to the podium, Vlad at his side. He paused, surveying the class, a critical expression on his face, before lifting a steaming hot mug filled with coffee strong enough that you could smell it from your chair, and taking a long swig.

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