~ ch 8

93 7 6

literally sighing so hard this is flopping so bad...!


Amajiki's hand intertwines with your own like a koala hugging a branch.

You hold onto his palm with ferocity, because without that anchor, you'll drift off to sea.

He stops for a second before gently knocking on a door. A familiar door. Your door. The first year heroics door.

It was just that door that kept that man who'd dropped from those vents out of the school.

You tear your eyes away from the open door. Your eyes fixate instead on the floor, freshly shiny, reflective like the sky to the earth, blue, and not falling. The core of the earth pulses beneath your feet, thousands of miles away, so close that you could almost hope to feel it.

There's soft murmuring, before Amajiki steps back, gently coaxing you to follow his footsteps, your arm pressed softly against his, before black shoes are invading your vision and Aizawa's in front of you, dropping into a squat-like position to look at you in the eyes. 

Amajiki squeezes your hand harder, and you can't help but shake.

"Thank you, Amajiki," Aizawa speaks first to the upperclassman, who nods quietly. He's back to being the shy, nervous version of him that you'd first met before you got him involved in the details of the break-in, and he shuffles his feet awkwardly, not really wanting to  leave you alone because he's not sure if you'd appreciate that, but also not sure if Aizawa meant to dismiss him. You squeeze his hand tighter, and he relaxes marginally, choosing ultimately to let his instinct to not leave you alone win. 

Aizawa asks for your consent for him to touch you, and waits patiently for a stuttered verbal response before he's gently steering you and Amajiki towards the staff wing with a hand on your back. You feel fragile, and you hate it.

You're supposed to be strong.

"L/N," Aizawa says, as he stops you in front of an unfamiliar door in an unfamiliar wing, "I want you to know that whatever you're feeling now is justified."

He looks like he wants to say more, but right now, he's just your teacher. You've known him only for a few days. He doesn't know you, not like that, and he's not sure if he's able to really say how proud he is that you were able to be at all coherent in just half an hour. 

You might not know it, but Aizawa thinks you'll be a great hero.

You nod, attempting to swallow the nest of flies lodged in your throat.

How vulgar.

The doors push forward, and it's at this point that Amajiki regrettably has to leave you behind. From here, the information is confidential to school officials and you, and even though you want him to be there, by the name of the law, he is not allowed.

He squeezes your hand reassuringly and makes a shy request to join you for lunch sometime that you readily agree to. 

It's nice knowing that no matter what happens beyond this point, you've come out of this experience with a new friend.

And then you're entering the office of Principal Nezu, Aizawa by your side. He's still quiet. It's eerie. It freaks you out.

You don't say anything, but you want to run. 

Go back to the stars, and maybe stay there for a while. 

Aizawa keeps you from doing that, his hand still on your back. He lifts his touch off and ushers you to step forward, which you do compliantly, and you settle into a chair in front of Nezu's desk. The principal is some animal that you're not quite familiar with - maybe a chimera? - but he's got the most intelligent eyes you've ever seen, eyes that pierce and pull and gather, and you're not quite sure what to do in the face of something so strong.

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