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(i hav regret)

this is SO poorly written ohmygosh i canot write for my life

also, before we start, here are some things to know:

1. i added some minor ocs for villains. they aren't going to appear again, but i figured with double the amount of students they would add more villains

2. i changed the locations of some of the students that were transported around in canon. like before, double the amount of students, people en d up in different places with different people

this is what i get for changing canon


The first thing you do when you notice that you're alone in a burning city is panic.

And then you register the burning debris falling all around you, and you realize that you actually have good reason to panic, because it's falling all around you. That burning pain you felt on your back when you were teleported here wasn't just the air like you thought it was.

The pain registers now, thirty seconds later, and you bite your lip to keep from crying out.

A red-hot piece of metal fell onto your back, and it fucking burns. 

You push yourself up and roll sideways, the metal falling off your back, and you rip off a piece of your baggy cargo pants to cover your nose and mouth with. It looks like you've been teleported inside of a burning building. The smoke obscures your vision and viciously attacks your lungs.

And you're so fucking scared, but you don't have time to be scared.

You can't see more than two feet in front of you. You can't hear much over the rush of smoke and the fires. Unsteadily, you take a step forward.

It hurts.

The smoke stings your eyes.

Your reflex of kicking back and trying to whip around to fight properly registers before the sensation of the hands pressing against your body does. You bite your lip as your body twists to hold in your pained groans of the burned skin on your back rubbing against itself. You can't see who's trying to attack you.

But they're back again. You moved too slow.

They hold a hand over your mouth and whisper for you to stay still.

You don't listen.

The attacker huffs in annoyance and digs their nails into the veins on your wrist. Their nails are sharp, like claws, and then you feel an intruding cold liquid seep into your blood stream. You look down at your wrists, where their nails are still dug into your arms, drawing blood that drips onto the floor just to boil in a matter of minutes, and freeze as you see your blood turning black.

You can't move your wrists.

The blood in your system moves up at a rapid paste, and you jerk your head back to hit the intruder. It works, and they let you go with a yelp, and you move your slowly freezing legs back immediately. Your wrists are stuck locked in front of you. The inky substance in your blood doesn't seem to be spreading now that their claws are out of your veins, but your body is moving significantly slower.

You don't waste time yelling out at your attacker or trying to figure out where they are. Half-paralyzed and moving at the speed of a slug isn't the state you'd like to fight in. You warp yourself into your dimension.

The relief of being in your safe space is devastatingly short.

It pushes you out almost immediately.

The stars reject you.

safety stars | bnhaxmalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now