~ ch 4

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went a lil haywire with an interaction that doesn't exactly make sense with the timeline of the test but shut up okay i love my minor characters and mc is GOING TO HAVE FRIENDS WHETHER HE LIKES IT OR NOT

also, quick disclaimer: i do NOT discriminate against ANY mental health disorder. any disrespectful language used towards those who suffer from them is in mc's perspective. he's not in the best state of mind in terms of mental health, and he is NOT CALLING ANYONE ELSE ANY OFFENSIVE TERMS NOR USING RUDE STATEMENTS AGAINST THEM DUE TO MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. HE IS TALKING TO HIMSELF BECAUSE OF HIS OWN MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. 

i cannot make it clear enough that this is NOT how i view anyone with mental health issues nor is it how he views any other individual with mental health issues. PLEASE RESPECT EVERYONE REGARDLESS OF WHAT THEY STRUGGLE WITH!!

okay now for the rest of this chapter:

there is some interaction with m/c with his classmates, but a lot of it is exploration into his quirk since it can be finnicky to explain. i hope this chapter helps you understand it a little more!!


Quirk Apprehension test.

You swallowed, already dreading the events to come. It was impossible to predict the tests Aizawa and Vlad would put you guys through, and therefore it was impossible to make a plan for the best possible ways to succeed. With your quirk, planning meant success.

"A test where we can use our quirks as much as we want?!" A girl with pink-colored skin and hair, literally from head to toe, and alien-like eyes cheered excitedly. 

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" Sero cheered as well, pumping his fist. You smiled a little, but dropped your smile worriedly, worrying your bottom lip with your teeth.

"This'll be fun!"

"Fun?" Aizawa said at last, looking outraged. He frowned, disappointment evident on his face. Anxiously, your hands met just in front of your chest, and you began nervously fiddling with your fingers this way and that, scratching at your fingers and cuticles with your nails. "You're not taking this seriously enough. We have three years to make you all top-notch heroes. Do you really think this is for fun and games?"

All of the hero students were quiet now, paying close attention to his every word. They all dripped with importance. You felt like a single missed detail would ruin your entire future career.

"Alright, then. The person who comes in last place will be deemed to have 0 potential and will be expelled from the hero course." 

You couldn't hold in your shocked gasp, your hand flying to your mouth. Many students around you seemed to share your same surprised sentiment, as the class immediately went into a fit of outrage. 

A drop of blood trickled down from your ring finger on your left hand where you worried your skin a little too much, and immediately you let out a little hiss of pain before wiping the blood off gently, still listening carefully to any directions Aizawa and Vlad were giving in case they gave away something you could use to your advantage. 

"Bakugo," Vlad turned towards the general direction of this Bakugo student you hadn't met yet, "How far could you throw a ball in middle school?"

"67 meters," A gruff voice responded, sounding mildly suspicious - and rightfully so.

"Try throwing it with your quirk." 

You watched, still rooted in place where you stood, twisting your skin, careful not to break it this time, but you could already see red, irritated spots forming on your hands and fingers. However, you were too nervous to stop, and in a way, the pain grounded you. It reminded you of where you were, and it stopped you from drifting off.

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