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3 days passed since the happen

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3 days passed since the happen. 3 whole days without Sana and Jake seeing eachother, texting eachother or being in contact in any way.
It made them both almost broken. They knew eachother for now one and a half month almost and loved eachother so much.

They didn't even tell eachother. But of course both knew this wasn't just about being normal or good friends.

Since now the whole class knew about Sana's disease she didn't dare to enter the university even once.

They would make fun of her.
They would always see her as the sick girl.
They would all just be pity for her.
It was always like that. And nothing changed.

Jake continuously tried to text her. But she didn't reply to any of his messages which made him feel so broken. Broken that a 20 year old girl had to go through such tough things on her own. He wanted to be there for her. She didn't even know that he never told the guy about her illness.

Jake would never tell anyone without her permission. Never in his life, he swore.

Jake's friends were so worried about him. Jake didn't work in the restaurant after class. After dinner he just went in his room, staying alone in his room.
Jake couldn't stop thinking about the girl. He was so sorry although it wasn't even his fault.
But honestly he couldn't blame her since she only saw how Jake pushed the guy towards the floor. The worst moment.


Sana wasn't going better than him. She skipped everything possible.
She skipped class, going outside except for Coco and she skipped working at any projects for class. And the important thing she missed. Sana skipped the medical checkup the doctor wanted her to do.

She skipped taking her medication. And she felt the consequences. Everyday her heart hurted more and more. She alsways said to herself it hurted because of the missing medication.
But everyone knew it was because of him.
Her heart hurted not because of the disease, mostly at least.
It hurted because she wasn't with him anymore. She stopped every contact with everyone.


"Ni-ki, I'm pretty worried about Jake. Everyone knows what happened in their class.
He only talks to us like one time a day"
Heeseung said worriedly to Ni-ki while watching Jake sitting alone on another table in the cafeteria.

He looked so alone and lost. It almost looked sad how he sat there alone, being in thoughts while sipping at his coffee.
In his hands he held a star shaped lollipop. Of course a obvious sign he was thinking about Sana, again. The star shape reminded him everytime of her, which is why he bought it every new day he saw her skipping class.

"I know Heeseung. But what should we do? I mean we can't just go to her apartment, we don't even know where she lives. Man, it would be so much better if there wouldn't be this damn disease"
Ni-ki sighed to the older boy who nodded in response.

"Actually I found her user on Instagram. But I'm not sure If I should text her.
She probably wouldn't even answer anyways"
Heeseung said, showing Ni-ki the profile he just followed a few hours ago.

"Just try it. Maybe she'll answer. And if not you tried at least. I can't continue seeing Jake in this state. He loosed himself if they wouldn't see eachother soon"
Ni-ki looked again at Jake who still sat there, considering the lollipop.

Heeseung grumbled in response, about to send a message to the girl.


The girl winced by the vibrating of her phone next to her. As everyday, she just lay in her bed, Coco right next to her, sleeping.

She widened her eyes in surprise by the notification from Instagram.

l_hee.seun1g wants to follow you.

l_hee.seu1ng wants to send you a message.

Sana sighed. She knew it was Heeseung so she took a minute to consider if she should accept his follow and message request.
Heeseung wasn't even a part of the happen so she accepted it.
After all he was her friend who she could trust.


Instagram - direct messages
Today, 9:59pm

Hey Sana


How are you?

I'm okay
What about you?

I'm okay too
Do you want to talk about what happened?

Honestly, I'm not sure
I didn't text him since Monday

hey Sana, ik it's random but can I ask you something?

Yeah sure

Would you like to meet?

Now? It's kinda late ig

I know, but you aren't busy right?
I just want to make sure you're doing good

I really appreciate your worries, but I'm really okay Heeseung
No need to meet, really
I'll come to class tomorrow

Sana, stop lying to me please
I saw you crying while running away Monday
Please, let's meet

Uhh okay
Just tell me when and where

I'll send u the location, wait a minute
📍Seoul, han river
257, Gangbyeonbuk-ro

okayy let's meet there in 15 minutes...

don't forget to put on something warm, it's pretty cold outside
seen, 10.25pm


•authors corner•

1. Sorry for taking so long
2. Sorry for the short chapter 😭
I'm so sorryyyyy

Ty for 100 followers! Love u all!
Prob posting the next chapter today, depends on how long I'll take 💗

I'm so relaxed while writing<333
I still don't want to end this story 😭

love u all:3
and see u in the next chapter<3

~octobed 22nd 2023

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