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Four years later...

A life can change a lot in so many years, four of them already passed. You can have a completely different live, a different way to live. Maybe you would be on a completely different path than you might think four years ago.

Jake still often thought back four years ago but he stayed strong and never gave up his life and feelings. He saw his life from another perspective, having a completely different way of thinking than before. He and his life changed a lot.

Loosing his love didn't make him falling into a deep whole. He struggeled a lot at the time after the funeral but now he became a strong, more confident man.
He now saw the importance in life, wanting to give everyone a chance to live.

Jake was now 24 years old, making him be an adult man with his own buisness. He still shared his apartment with his friends but this was even a thing making him not feeling alone.
One day he'd surely have an own apartment, maybe even an own house with his own family.
He finished his studies successfully although he would have loved it more to finish it together with his love.

Jake was currently sitting in a bar, Heeseung sitting next to him.
They were both busy with drinking, of course no alcohol, just a simple non alcoholic beer.
"Yanmi just can't stopp sending me messages haha"
Heeseung laughed as he looked at his phone, receiving a bunge of messages from his girlfriend he got to know at his work, working as a lawyer after finishing his law studies.

"This girl is so into you man"
Jake laughed at his friend, pushing his shoulder while watching Heeseung also chuckling up by his friend's phrase.

"I know but i'm in her too haha. By the way, did you text the girl whose number i gave to you?"
The older guy asked, trying to introduce someone new to him after
he was left alone by his only love.

"Not yet"
Jake's smile slowly faded, starting to think back.

"You know that you are allowed to love again right?"
Heeseung raised his eyebrows at Jake who just looked at the floor while nodding.

"Yeah I know. It's just kinda hard to let go of my feelings for her"
Jake said then, looking up, lifting his head to the friend he was now facing again.

"Jake, you don't need to let go of them. She will always have a special place in your heart. But you should also try to open up to more possibilities. Sana will always be with you and she said she wished you would find someone who loves you"
Heeseung placed his hand on Jake's shoulder, watchinh the guy nod in response.

"Thank you, Heeseung. I'll think about texting her the next days"
Jake then stood up, shortly hugging Heeseung who just stood up right after him, then slowly pulling himself away from the friendly hug.

"Just take the time you need"
Heeseung smiled as he took a look on his phone afterwards, looking back at his friend after that.
"Ready for work?"

Jake looked also at the time, noticing it was almost 10pm, time to work for his night shift. So he nodded before gulping down the rest of his beer just like his friend and placing some money, including tips, on the counter where they used to sit before.

Both went to seperated ways, wearing formal work clothes, just as always. They both worked at induvidually offices.

Jake quickly made his way to his work.


As Jake reached the office, he looked up, lifting his head to the builiding he owned, being the owner of a big company.

Our honeymoon - Sana's Version

The name of the building, representing a giant planetarium with an included library.
Right, Jake brang his and Sana's idea to reality with starting to lead an office just like they imagined.

Jake entered the building, placing his bag just on his desk, as he always did. Already a few customers were walking through the first and second floor, a few were also just sitting on the several couches and pillows while reading.

Since it was already pretty late, a few were alos sitting in front of the giant glass pane, already several stars could be seen at the sky.
Jake just grabbed his favorite book, took his bag and went up to the rooftop. No one was there since only staffs were allowed to enter, with a specific key. Jake sat down on a cozy chair-couch, exhaling one time deeply.

Jake took the book he just grabbed out of his bag before and considered the cover, showing the couple standing under the pouring rain, under a random meadow, kissing.
Right, he still had the book 'blue honeymoon' he just got from his love 4 years ago.

Instead of just let it be like this, having it at home and never reading it again because of possible sad memoried which could come up again, he had it with him everytime.
There were still the notes that she left for him in it, he went over her soft handwriting with his fingers. This was the thing he would never leave behind or loose.
His life was included in this book. A love story between a sick girl and a boy who fell in love.

"Sana, Love. I would have nerver thought I'd actually cry reading this. But i did, just as you said. I cried everytime i finished it these past four years. I hope you can see me here right now"
Jake said, looking up to the stars, knowing Sana was one of those stars he could see.

Yes Jake, I can see you

I can clearly see you there reading our book

You're doing so well

You will always be in my heart here

I'm happy here in the heaven with my parents

Just keep going

"I love you Sana"

I love you too, Jake.

I love you too, Jake

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