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Bondita had finally gotten some relief from the cramps and just slipped into sleep at night when she heard a knock on the door.

Her heart hammered against her chest, wondering who it could be. Nobody in the house usually woke up so late or came to her room so late.

Fear enveloped her. She tightened the duvet around her and tightly closed her eyes, trying to ignore the fear.

More knocks were there on the door, but she responded to none. At the fourth knock she was almost about to get up to find something to defend herself but then she heard the door opening with a slight creak.

Her breath hitched with fear, her hold on the duvet tightening more, her knuckles turned white due to the tight hold.

But suddenly she felt herself relaxing a bit, as she felt the similar warmth and the scent surrounding her.

It was him.

Her hold on the duvet got less tight but still there. Her mind started wondering why was he here.

She waited for him to say something, but all she could hear was his breathing in the eerie silent room.

She waited and waited but no words were heard and soon she heard his retreating footsteps and the closing of the door with a soft thud.

Why was he here?

Bondita laid there, thinking, her sleep lost. However, she didn't even try to sleep knowing she'd be up soon. By the darkness, consuming her.

It did. She again woke up at 3:46 am, panting and covered with sweat.

She rested her face in her hands, trying to take in deep breaths. Soon, her breathing regulated as she left out a sigh.

"It's okay bondita. It's okay." She consoled herself.

Herself was the only one she had. Even though people were crowded in the house and they did spend time with her but at the end all she had was herself.

Herself to comfort at night, herself to hug when she felt cold in the lonely night. Yes, she had thick blankets, but what to do about the lack of embrace?

Her Maa used to hug her before marriage and even after marriage bondita had gotten used to sleep without anybody.

But sometimes you can't help but want somebody to be there. To hug you and caress your head, telling its going to be alright.

Whom you can hug while sleeping but Alas! She had no one.

And she was trying to get over it, she was trying to make herself understand how it's going to be herself who'll be with her throughout.

No one else. Yes everybody loved her at the haveli. But who's going to be there at the end of the day? Herself.

Even during Manorama incident, nobody accepted Manorama but nobody could do anything either.

All they did was looked at her with pity, trying to make aniruddh understand. But what else could they do? Nothing.

And bondita didn't consider it to be their fault. Not at all. It was already a big thing for the family to support her instead of aniruddh when every other family supported the man saying it was okay to get a second wife.

She really was thankful for such a good family, and even for such a good husband.

Yes, he did made a mistake, a big one. But he never forced her, never tried to hurt her—atleast physically—supported her education and future.

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