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New chapter! About 2,350 words, might feel a bit short. And definitely not edited XD. Also, I don't think this chapter is in a proper flow. Felt a bit fast to me. So let me know, if it is.

And and and...I might have gone a little over the board, while writing the last part. But I felt like I had to. I had to write about it, so please don't feel bored and rather try to understand :)

Aniruddh was pacing in his office with a file in his hand, while his distressed client sat on the chair, looking at him.

"Barrister babu...you can help me, right?" The client asked with a hopeful and broken voice.

Aniruddh stopped pacing and looked back at his client.

"Sumit ji...don't you worry. No matter what, we will win this case. I just hope this will be a fair game." He said to his client with a determined voice.

Noticing the determination at his lawyer's face; the client joined his hands and said with a quivering voice,

"Barrister babu, that is the only land I have other than the one my house is built on. And my daughter's wedding is due in a few months. I've to give dowry, sir. I had thought to give that land as dowry, but the monsters snatched it away..."

And before the man could complete his words, his voice cracked with pain.

Aniruddh closed the file, keeping it on his desk and then moved to the troubled man.

He sat on the chair infront of his client, intertwining his fingers and said with a soothing voice,

"Sumit ji..I understand your problem. And I assure you, no matter what, I'm going to get you your land back. You just start preparing for your daughter's wedding."

He gave sumit an assuring smile.

"Thankyou Barrister babu, thankyou so much. I don't think I'd ever be able to pay it back to you." The man cried with his hands still together.

"No need to pay me or anything, sumit ji. It is my duty." Aniruddh said, holding the man's joined hands and gently bringing them down.

The man left after thanking aniruddh a few more times.

Sumit was a middle-aged man, with average salary, enough to feed his small family of a wife, an elder daughter and a younger son.

It wasn't unknown that he was a very hard working and honest man, who barely had a penny of cheat.

And with his hard-earned money; he had bought the said land a few years ago. To help maintain financial security in future and things like dowry, as said.

But a week or two ago, he had came to the haveli to Trilochan Roy Chaudhary, to ask for help. He told the zamindar that his land was snatched from him, as a group of goons were suddenly claiming it to be theirs.

And the land papers were nowhere to be found in Sumit's house, making it almost impossible to win the land back.

Aniruddh happened to pass them the exact same time when sumit was explaining his problem. And aniruddh knew his kaka could and would handle the situation, but it seemed like a legal problem.

So aniruddh interrupted them and suggested Sumit to come to his office instead. That a legal fight would be far better than a panchayat.

And today Sumit had came with hope to him, hoping to win the case.

Aniruddh also knew how sumit had a burden on his shoulder with his 20 year old daughter.

Although to aniruddh, it was good that the girl was 20 and hadn't been married at a tender age. But to the society, it seemed like a shame.

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