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I wasn't really happy with the response on the previous chapter, as compared to the other chapters, it is really less. But..that's okay. I guess it wasn't that good.

I'm expecting some better response for this one tho :) (also, sorry for being late)

Bondita was tapping the end of the pencil against her lips, her eyebrows furrowed as she almost burnt the book infront of her with the glare aimed at it.

It made no sense, not really.

When did the numbers got substituted by the alphabets? And even the numbers were too quite difficult to work with.

गणित was surely her weak point.

As she was in a staring contest with the book, there was a knock at the door which made her move her glare away from the book for a moment.

I'll get to you later. She almost said to the book.

"Who's there?"

Who might be at the door now? It was almost time to sleep. Everyone had retired to their rooms after dinner and a bit of chit chat.

There was a moment of silence but a reply came a second later.

"Bondita..?" His soft, hesitant voice was heard.

Him? At this time? Again?

What was up with him these days?

Aniruddh didn't know what had happened to him.

Even during those after-two-months of the incident, he never really visited her at nights as it might would've come off as a bit inappropriate.

But these days, he was constantly thinking about her, worrying about her. He was constantly feeling a need to once check up on her before sleeping.

He waited as he heard some hustling from inside. A thought came to his mind, as he waited, did he come at a wrong time?

Was it inappropriate to visit her at this time?

She might not be comfortable with him around at this time.

As thoughts were running a train through his mind, the door suddenly opened, revealing her.

Staring into the brown eyes.

Bondita had quickly gotten up to open the door, but not before checking if her saree was appropriate.

Though her saree stayed in place most of the time, sometimes it got shifted here and there in the comfort of her room. So she checked each time before opening the door.

After a moment, she went to open the door.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. Somehow still surprised to find him here, even though he had announced his presence.

"Barrister babu?"

Aniruddh stared at her, a bit startled as if he didn't know where he had reached. He did.

He was in his senses when he came here, deciding to talk about something with her.

Even if it was to talk about the number of colors in a rainbow, which was stupid as she knew about it already and even knew how they were formed.

But all he cared about was to talk to her.

But it was laughable, at how his mind immediately shut down at seeing her. The thoughts previously running through his mind came to an abrupt stop.

"Uh..bondita.." he said, not knowing what else to say other than calling her name.


She was confused. Utterly confused.

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