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Best friends Seungmin and Sol had known each other for three years through their college drama club. He had a beautiful singing voice, a puppy-like persona, and a quiet confidence that made people like and respect him. 

Sol was also a singer, and quite the actress. Unlike Seungmin, she made her presence known wherever she went. If Seungmin was a puppy, then Sol was a lioness. 

Men were constantly hitting on her, but they never stuck around long enough to actually get to know her. They confused her outgoing and happy personality with being an easy target for sex, so when she set her boundaries, they split, and often not amicably. 

One day, after a rehearsal, she was talking to a classmate she liked quite a bit, and had gone on a few dates with. They were backstage, dim lights, romantic ambiance, perfect for a first kiss. He did kiss her, but then he wanted more… as his hand moved from her waist to her chest, she politely stopped him saying she wasn't ready for that, and he got mad. 

"What are you, a little girl? Man! Guys said you didn't put out, but I didn't believe them. They were right. What a prude!" He said, hoping to somehow shame her into giving in. He was wrong. 

With a fake, sarcastic, crying voice, she dramatically transitioned away from him, and began a monologue that would have made Julia Sugarbaker proud.

 With a slight British accent, she cried "Oh, no! The men folk prattle about me? Oh, my word!" She paused. "A prude, you say?" 

She put her arm across her face in full dramatics. "What am I to do?" 

Her face changed from fake devastation to anger. She slowly began inching her way back toward him. 

"You see, dear sir, I care not about epithets of the romantically inept, nor the testicularly challenged, much less of so-called men whose only claim to their value and worth is laying with a woman in bed. 

See, I seek men whose sense of worth derives from their character, their talents, their attributes, their life efforts, not what little…" She looked at his pants. "...lies between their legs.

So thank you, kind sir, and I use the term ever so loosely, for revealing your ineptitude, and therefore disqualifying yourself from ever being romantically involved with me. Kindly exit stage left and be gone before I KICK YOUR ASS FROM HERE TO TIMBUKTU, YOU ASSHOLE!"

He began to walk away, but not before he uttered the classic words of many a butt-hurt man, "Crazy bitch!"

She was ready to throw hands. "What did you say, motherfucker? I'll show you crazy, come'ere!" She grabbed the first thing she could, and began to run after him until a pair of arms grabbed her from behind to stop her. 

"Whoa, whoa… simmer down, Our Lady of Perpetual Butt Kicking!" He took the squeaky hammer off her hand with his left hand, the right arm still holding on to her tightly.

"Seungmin, let me save the world of that man's offspring!" She tried pulling away. He held her tighter, and they both fell to the floor on their butt. 

His breath felt warm in her ear, as he whispered. "I hear you, but a squeaky hammer won't do the trick, and also, let's not get kicked out of school, okay?" 

She put her head down, her curly hair covering her face, and she exhaled. "Fine! But if he ever comes near me again, Minnie, I will hurt him!"

"Fair enough. Can I let go now? Are you okay?" 

"Yes, you can. I'm okay, just angry and frustrated! Also, damn, you're strong! Is your butt okay?"

"Meh, I'll live." He shrugged.

She hadn't lifted her head yet. He moved to the side to get a look at her face by moving her hair back with his fingers. "Are you sure you're…"

She was crying. He hated to see her cry. 

"I'm mad! I'm crying because I'm angry. Why do they have to get so angry? Why can't they respect the fact that I don't want to be touched like that in public? I have no qualms about having sex, but it has to feel right, not forced, and definitely not for anyone to see! 

I want to kiss someone who truly cares about me, and make love, not have casual sex! I know that's foreign to many here in college, but that's just me. I want meaningful relationships. That's not too much to ask! Is it?

They always think with their dick first. That's what makes me angry. None of them ever want to actually get to know me, and have a relationship with me. I always fall for it. They seem so nice at first, then they do this. Why!?"

"I can't answer that. I don't get it either. I'm sorry." He wholeheartedly agreed with her, and felt the same way. 

"I am swearing off guys for the time being. No, wait. I like boys too much. Oh, what if you help me check them out?"

"Nope. That's a no from me, dawg! I can't tell if they're assholes either. I thought that one was nice, too. He's lucky I walked in when I did. He'd have died by a squeaky hammer." He chuckled. 

"One day the right guy will come. Just be patient." He slightly nudged her shoulder with his fist. Trying to cheer her on. 

She kissed him on the cheek. 

He panicked on the inside, but kept it cool on the outside. "What was that for?" 

"For being my friend, and for being here, at the right moment." 

He smiled at her, and brushed her hair off her face. "Anytime. Come on, let's go." 

He stood up and reached out his hand for her to grab on and lift her up. He pulled a bit too hard so she lost her footing and ended up hugging him. 

They both gave into the hug. 

"You're so warm! I like hugging you." 

He giggled. "Yeah, I'm a puppy, remember?" 

"That you are!" She ruffled his hair. 

Her phone's alarm went off.

"Crap, I have class in five minutes. Talk to you later, Minnie. Love ya!" 

"Love ya! Have a nice class!" 

"Thanks." She ran out, leaving him behind. 

He looked down, and rubbed the floor with his right foot, and looked in the direction she'd disappeared into, and muttered to himself "I love you!" and sighed.

He pivoted on his heels, and walked in the opposite direction, towards his dorm. 

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