*13* Committed

6 1 3

The next Monday, after class, they went to the court, filled out the necessary paperwork, and they were married four weeks later.

Sol's Instagram post read:

"He said yes! Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Kim. I am so happy to be your wife @Seungminnie."

It was a picture of her in a beautiful pale purple dress with a headband that had a veil attached, covering her the back of hair. Seungmin wore a black suit and matching purple tie, both holding their marriage certificate. 

Seungmin commented:

"I am honored to be your husband. Let's love each other forever!"

They were corny, but they didn't care. They were sincere.

So much happened during that year. They both graduated, found jobs and an apartment.

About six months into their marriage, though, Seungmin had to rush Sol to the E.R. She couldn't stop throwing up, and needed help to stay on her feet.

After some tests, the doctor came in with a serious look on her face.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kim. I'm afraid I don't have answers for you yet.

Mrs. Kim, for now, we're giving you Zofran, so you can keep liquids and food in. That's going to be very important. Dehydration and malnutrition is ill-advised.

We are hydrating you with an IV with saline solution, so if you could let the nurse know when you need to go to the restroom, we would appreciate it. We would like to take a urine sample and get a better idea of how hydrated you are, as well as any bateria lurking around.

Now for the root of your symptoms, we would like to take a look at your belly to see if my suspicions are correct. We'll conduct a sonogram to make sure everything is working well. It is standard procedure to not let the patient see the screen until I have been able to review the images. Okay? Mr. Kim, you can stay in the room with her. 

"Yes, doctor, thank you." He took her hand, with a look of concern in his face. This was the love of his life, and she was very sick.

The technician came in, introduced herself to the couple, and conducted the sonogram. 

"Okay. I am done for now. Let me get the doctor in here and we'll have some answers for you."

"Okay. Thank you." Seungmin said. "Man, I couldn't read her face. I have no idea what's going on." He thought.

The doctor came back in with the technician. 

Okay, Kim family, I hope to have good news for you. How do you feel about becoming a family of three? 

They both smiled at each other realizing now what was going on. "It would be amazing!" She said. 

"Am I going to be a dad?" He said, smiling from ear to ear. 

"Yes, Mr. Kim. You are going to be a dad. Look."

The technician resumed the sonogram, and the doctor turned the screen to show a tiny heart beating fast. 

"Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" 

"Oh, yes, please!" They both said in unison. 

It was the most beautiful sound they'd ever heard, and tears of joy dripped down their cheeks. 

"Mrs. Kim, you are still in your first trimester, but almost in your second. You are 10 weeks and three days pregnant. Everything looks good. If we continue doing well, we will see you back in two weeks, and then every four weeks until you reach 36 weeks; we'll see you weekly then. 

Here's some information to guide you through this process, and the prenatal classes schedule and number to call. I strongly encourage you both to attend those classes, and if you wish to lactate, here's the schedule for lactation classes as well. 

Please call me if anything seems out of the ordinary. You'll need prenatal vitamins asap, and lots of water! 

Mr. Kim, you're in charge of monitoring her water intake and her vitamins. She will be a bit overwhelmed to say the least, so she'll need you to be there for her, okay?

Monitor if she feels too happy or too sad, if she's eating, not eating… I've had plenty of women stop eating altogether and not even realize it, so any change, please make her and us aware. 

"Yes, sir!" He kissed her hand. "I'll do whatever needs to be done to support her."

"Congratulations! I already see this baby has a solid love foundation. It's beautiful to see.

Mrs. Kim, you can get dressed whenever you're ready. We'll see you in two weeks for your twelve week check up."

"Yes, doctor. Thank you so much!!"

They were so excited. 

"I love you so much! Now we'll be a family of three. Our parents will be so excited!" 

About seven months later, Sol was rushed to the hospital. She was in labor. 

"Mr. Kim, your wife is ready now."  

Everything was ready for the baby's arrival, and little baby Rivera was born at 10:37am, weighing 7lbs, 3oz, and measuring 21 inches. He looked just like his dad when he was a baby. 

The Kim family went home three days later, and they couldn't be happier. They had a slow and gentle acclimation to each other to thank for their happiness… oh, and a "mall rat", too. 

The End


Gentle Acclimation is now complete.

Cpuld you pleas let me know if it feels rushed? I took my time writing it, but I was very distracted by life, so any feedback to edit/improve the story is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for reading!

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