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When she opened the door, her face couldn't hide her reaction. He was wearing the outfit he'd prepared for his date, and he was wearing cologne.

"Isn't that what you were going to wear tomorrow?" Her knees could barely hold her up.

"Yeah, might as well put it on, plus you said I'd look cute." He came in,  closed the door behind him, whispered in her ear "Do I?", and walked past her to go upstairs. 

She was wrong. He didn't look cute. He looked beautiful. She was speechless. Her legs could barely move, and her jaw was on the floor. He smelled so good!

"Wow. She looks beautiful with her hair up, she smells so good! Also... was she blushing? I hope I'm not reading these signals wrong." His thoughts interrupted by her voice.

"Nope. I was one hundred percent wrong. You're beyond cute."

She turned around and mouthed behind his back "oh my god!" to herself, and thought "What was I thinking asking him over!?

No wait. What was HE thinking wearing that outfit? It should be illegal to look that good! Wait. Did he want to look cute for me?"

They had watched movies, dramas, and done karaoke at her place plenty of times before, but this was the first time he would spend the night. She made sure everything was perfect for him.

She showed him the guest bedroom.
"Look. I just made your bed. You can put your bag anywhere, and feel at home. Just in case you wanted to shower again, there's a towel and fresh bar of soap. I also put out a toothbrush for you, just in case. Ah! That's a pitcher with ice water and a cup for you in case you get thirsty.

He smiled warmly. "Wow, you went all out for me, thank you." He went inside and placed his bag on the bed.

"It's the least I could do. You've done so much for me." She leaned against the door frame, just contemplating his movements, almost lost in thought.

He walked toward her and leaned on the opposite side of the door frame, and looked deeply into her eyes. He carefully studied her reactions.

"So... What do you want to do first, karaoke or drama?"

"Kiss you. I want to kiss you and hug you first." Her thoughts were betraying her, and her eyes stared at his lips. He noticed, and smirked. "Definitely were looking at my lips. Wow. She likes me?"

"Um... Earth to Sol! Are you here?" He softly knocked on her head, which meant he got closer in the space of the door frame. "You've been spacing out all day. What's going on?"

His face was way too close, and she panicked, and ducked out into the hallway. "Uhh... nothing, nothing's going on! Uhh... Drama. Let's watch a drama! Hehe!"

"Okay, hehe. Your reboots are too cute!"

"I'm cute?"

"Yeah, common knowledge! You're the most beautifulgirl I've ever met!" He said, getting comfortable on the sofa.

They always shared a blanket when they watched a drama. She always got cold, and he was always warm.

She smiled. "I think he might feel the same way I do. Look at him! He's angelic!"

She snuggled up to him like she always did, but this time, she was shaking out of nervousness, not cold.

"Omg, you are shaking. Are you that cold already?" He rubbed her hands and arms as he had many times before, but this time, it was too much for her. She had had it.

"Kim Seungmin."

"Hmm? He kept his focus on warming her up."

"I want to kiss you."

His eyes shot up at her, his hands stopped moving; the world stopped turning.

"You want to what did you say?"

"I'm going insane over here. That's all that's in my head right now. I want to kiss you so badly! Is there any chance that you like me?"

"Hold on. Okay, but do you like me or are you just lonely? I need to know."

"I... " he interrupted her.

"Because before you answer, let me make myself very clear. I have feelings for you, but I don't just like you. I am in love with you, and if you let me, I'll make you the happiest girl in the world.

I was just waiting for your eyes to look at me just once. You are the most perfect girl on the entire planet, and you deserve so much love and care. I love everything about you, and am sick and tired of jerks mistreating you."

She was overwhelmed with emotion, and tears welled up in her eyes.

She hugged him as she cried. "Honestly, I've always loved you. I just buried it, and dated assholes seeking in them what I have with you."

"I love you, too! I'm sorry it took this long for me to be brave enough to admit it."

"I'm no better. I should have confessed three years ago. I've been yours ever since I met you."

She wiped her tears, caressed his face and pressed her lips to his. It was the softest, most loving kiss either had ever experienced. It was slow, without any rush, but intense at the same time.  There was no hurry. It was pure perfection. They were on cloud nine.

After the kiss, they couldn't stop staring
and smiling at each other. It was as if they'd discovered each other for the first time. For the rest of the evening, they just held hands, cuddled, kissed, sang karaoke, and watched a few drama episodes, until they fell asleep, all cuddled up on the couch.

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