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In the shower, all kinds of thoughts raced through Seungmin's mind. Did he want to be intimate with Sol? Yes, one day, but he wasn't ready today. He wanted to just enjoy being her boyfriend for a while, get to know the "girlfriend" side of her, and to be more established in their relationship before any of that took place.

He had never allowed himself to think sexually about her. "I've loved and cared for her for so long, I never considered sex, plus all those assholes ever wanted from her was to sleep with her. I don't want to be like them. I don't want to have sex today. I just want to enjoy being in her presence." He sighed at his realization. He didn't want to disappoint her or make her think he didn't find her sexy, but he needed time. He wasn't ready.

He finished his shower, and Sol went in to take hers. On her end, she needed a cold shower. She was never against having sex with a partner, but the love had to be there; the trust had to be there. She trusted him, and she loved him; she knew that he loved her as well.

Unlike Seungmin, Sol had had many dreams where they became intimate. She kept those to herself. She often thought of those when she explored herself in private.

"I can't wait to feel his hands all over me. This is why all those guys felt icky to me. They weren't him! Even their hugs didn't feel good; they weren't his hugs." She sighed at her realization of loving him long before she originally thought. She was ready, but only for him. "Sol, if he's not ready, you've got to be okay with that, though. You can wait. Waiting will probably make it ten times better."

She finished her shower, got dressed, and went to talk to him.

He was sitting on his bed, with his towel around his neck, looking beautiful with his hair still wet.

"Hey, handsome!" She leaned on the door frame.

"Hey, princess!" He smiled.
"Come here, we need to talk." He tapped the spot next to him on the bed for her to sit.

"Okay." She sat criss-cross applesauce in front of him.

"Sol, I love you. I have loved you for three years.

In all that time, I have never allowed myself to think sexually about you, not to mention that I've seen man after man only want you for sex, which frustrated me to no end. I couldn't understand why just having you next to them wasn't enough.

All I ever wanted was to care for and love you. I never even pictured our first time. I'm not going to pretend that I don't have sexual thoughts, I do. Just not about you, because I never gave myself permission. Even when I pleasure myself, it is some faceless woman because I didn't want to lust over you like those men.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I need time to settle into the idea that we're now romantically involved, and that it's okay for me to want you sexually. I'm not ready for sex today. I hope this makes sense. I don't want you to think that I don't find you attractive or sexy. You're just more than a hot pussy to me.

I want to do all the things we normally do, but as your boyfriend now. I want to go on dates, hold hands, and cuddle. I need to be your boyfriend longer than twelve hours before we sleep together. Am I making sense?"

She kissed him on the cheek, then pressed her lips against his. "Thank you. Wasn't this my whole complaint before, about how men never just wanted to be with me, as a person, and not a sex doll?

I am so blessed to have you! Thank you for showing me I am worthy of more. Today is not the right time, and that's perfectly okay.

However, there is something you must know that I hope will help give yourself permission to think about me in all aspects of our relationship."

"What's that?"

"Interestingly enough, I have had sexual dreams about you for the past 3 years."

"Y... you what?"

"Oh, yeah. The first one was about a week after we met. I just realized today that the reason I didn't like the other men touching me was because they weren't you. My imagination would always go to you, ever since that first wet dream. Isn't that wild? You, blocking that for yourself, and me over here masturbating in your name?"

"Ohh!" He short circuit-circuited and his ears turned beet red.

"Omg, you're so cute when you blush!"

"I will wait for you, baby. Just know I am ready when you are. I am ready to explore our sexuality together. You have my permission, so we'll take it at your pace. I just have one question."

"Okay, what's that?" He was slowly shaking off the surprise of her confession.

"Would it make you feel uncomfortable if I flirted with you in sexual ways?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you needed to settle into the idea of me sexually, so I figured if I show you my sexual side, it would help you see me in that light. You really have never heard me say suggestive things or flirt like that."

"Ummm... I guess that's fine. I'm still unsure what you mean, but I will communicate if I feel uncomfortable. "

"Okay, sounds good. This is going to be fun. I get to be the one to turn you on! I'm in control now ah-ah-ah!!"

"Hey. That's my laugh!"

"Yeah, I stole it, and what are you gonna do about it? Come at me, bro!" She opened her arms inviting him to fight.

"Oh, I'll get you alright!"

He began tickling her. She leaned back on the bed, and he was now next to her, laying on his side tickling her. They both laughed until their bellies hurt.

"Okay. Okay! I give up. I surrender!"

"Good. You laugh stealer! Hehe."

He gave her three quick kisses on her lips, then laid next to her, leaning his head on her shoulder. "I love you! Thank you for understanding me."

"Thank you for sincerely loving me, and seeing me as something more than a sex doll." She kissed his forehead.

"Can we go on a date today?" He asked.

"Our first date? Do you have something in mind?" She was excited.

"Actually, I do."

"Do I need to get changed?"

"I don't think so. Well, maybe the shoes. There's something I've always wanted to do with you, and for some reason, it never happened."

"Oh? What's that?" She smiled.

"Batting cages! Could we go take a few swings, then dinner, and go down the riverwalk?"

"Oh my gosh, yes!!! How is it that we've never done this before? Let's do it! I am so excited for this. Thank you, Minnie!"

She hugged and kissed him. "Let me go get my helmet and gloves. Do you need batting gloves? I think I have an extra helmet, but I don't know if it'll fit you."

This made Seungmin very happy. He loved baseball and he knew she did, as well. He always imagined taking her and having fun at the batting cages for a while.

"No, I have my gear in the trunk. I keep it there for when the spirit moves me. Hehe."

"Oh, I see you, hardballer!! I'll be right back."

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