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"Indy...Indy, it's time to get up."
I faintly hear the sound of someone's voice followed by a light tap on my arm.

I groan and roll over, pulling the comforter over my face in the process. "Leave me alone."

I hear the other person sigh and the sound of footsteps backing away as I start to doze back into a light sleep. "Good luck because I give up. Your turn bud."

"Why me? I still have PTSD from being the one to get her up all throughout our childhood."

"Well, Oscar, what else do you have in mind? We can't just leave her here." A few seconds of silence pass before I hear the sound of someone getting hit. "Wipe that look off your face, we're not leaving your sister in Miami by herself."

"Ow! I was only thinking about it, I wouldn't actually do it." His footsteps retreat to the other side of the room. "I have an idea that will save the two of us from her morning wrath."

Silence falls over the room once again, lulling me into a deeper sleep, but that only lasts a good 5 minutes before I feel the comforter being jerked away from my body.

"Indiana Grace Piastri, get u-" I reach beside me and launch a pillow at the person standing at the end of the bed. "Geez you guys could've warned me that she was aggressive in the mornings."

I hear Cora and Oscar erupt into laughter and I finally roll over and sit up, only to be met with Lando standing at the end of my bed, my stolen comforter in hand.

The other two go quiet as he flashes me a smile. "Good morning, sunshine."

I grab my glasses from the table beside me, placing them on my face, and narrow my eyes at him. "Give it back."

"This," he holds up the comforter, "or this," he asks before throwing the pillow I threw at him, back at me.

"Not funny Norris."

He holds his hand up in front of his face, pinching two fingers together, and squints one eye, "maybe just a little." He walks over to me and grabs both of my hands, pulling me out of bed and to my feet, "come on, the car will be here in like an hour to take all of us to the airport and this room is a mess."

Cora snaps her fingers at me, "you, go hit the shower. You look like a mess. I'm already packed so I'll get started on yours." She passes a serious look at both of the boys, who in turn give each other a confused look. "Since you're already here, might as well stay and help."

I raise my hand to get her attention, "I'd rather not have my brother and Lando sort through my personal belongings because I have no clue what's out on the floor."

Oscar nods in agreement, "I agree. I don't wanna start my morning by accidentally grabbing my sister's underwear or something."

Lando just shrugs and turns his head to look at me, "Doesn't bother me."

"Dude," Oscar throws a pillow from the other bed at Lando's head, "that's my sister. Could you not."

I giggle under my breath and Cora lets out a sigh, "Both of you, grow up and just help so we can get a move on the morning. Indy, shower, now."

I give her a salute and turn on my heel, heading towards the bathroom.

An hour later and all of us are getting the car loaded up to head to the private airport. Oscar turns to the group of us and raises his brows, crossing his arms.
"Rumor has it that when you win the race, you get to sit shot gun instead of cramming in the back with the lot of you."

Lando opens his mouth to argue his point but I reach up beside me and put my hand over his mouth, throwing him a seriously look.
"It's too early to hear you two bicker like children." I move my hand away, "Just get in the car."

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