430 14 4

May 16, 2023

We spend the rest of the car ride listening to music in a comfortable silence. I absentmindedly play with his fingers locked with mine.

I turn my head to study his side profile as he drives, a small, content smile resting on his lips. He's got to be one of the most beautiful people I've ever met.

He flits his eyes my way for a second. "What?"

"Just admiring the view." I grin when I see a blush creep onto his cheeks. "Also wondering what you've told your family about me."

"The obvious facts; you're Oscar's older sister, the hotel situation, that we've been spending time together." He pauses. "And that you're quickly becoming very important to me so they're not allowed to embarrass me in front of you."

I mock gasp. "You've forbidden them from sharing any embarrassing childhood stories?" He nods and I lean over the console, resting my chin on his arm and looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. "But what if I wanted to hear all about little Lando?"

He pulls into his driveway and puts the car in park, looking down at me with raised brows. "Then I guess you're out of luck princess because they're on strict orders."

I huff out a sigh and mumble, "I'll make them cave," earning a laugh from him before he presses his lips to my forehead.

"Come on, let's get the introductions over with so you can take your nap." He hops out the driver's side and starts unloading my luggage.

I join him and go to reach for a bag but he uses his free hand to swat mine away. I cross my arms over my chest and pin him with a serious look. "Good grief, just let me help you. I know I'm not a light packer."

His expression matches mine. "Are you ever going to just accept the help I offer without trying to intervene?"

We're stuck in our stare down for a few seconds before he cracks a grin first and hands me one of the lighter bags. "You're stubborn," he says as he slings his, now free, arm over my shoulders.

I look up at him and offer a wink as we head toward the door. "I know."

He removes his arm when we reach the door and pushes it open, stepping back and motioning for me to go first. "Ladies first."

I step into the foyer and look around at the space. A few photos line the walls on either side of me. Some from racing and some of the different places he's been.

I stop in front of one that looks like it was taken at the Gardens by the Bay in Singapore. "This is gorgeous. Did you take this one?"

He gives a shy smile. "Yeah, last year when we were there for the race. Have you ever been?"

I wince at the memory of my one and only trip to Singapore. "Once but I like to put that trip in the back of my mind."

He gives me a questioning look and I turn towards him, reaching up to pat his cheek. "That's a story for a different day."

He nods in understanding and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer and looking down at me with a smile. "Well, I'll make sure to make Singapore a better memory for you this year."

I smile up at him. "I'm holding you to it, Norris." He grins and slowly leans his head down to close the gap between our faces, but someone clearing their throat at the end of the hallway makes us jump apart.

A girl, who seems to be about 2 years younger than us, stands at the end of the hallway with her arms crossed, a smirk that looks a lot like Lando's sitting on her lips, as she looks between the two of us.

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