406 14 3

May 19, 2023

"Okay, so let's cover some ground rules for the day." I look over to my right at Lando as we walk, slowly, side by side through the marina towards Max's boat.

He groans and rolls his head to look at me. "I mean, if we have too."

I bump him with my shoulder. "You literally just said yourself at the restaurant that we need to keep whatever we have going on to ourselves so we don't risk upsetting Oscar."

"Using my words against me?" He dips his chin at me and gives me a look. I match my expression to his until he cracks first and breaks out into a grin. "Okay fine, what're your rules Indiana?"

"So we've got the obvious: no kissing, no touching that would be considered more than friendly, no flirting-" he stops walking and crosses his arms across his chest. "What is it now?"

"Basically you don't want me interacting with you at all."

I retrace my steps to stand in front of him, crossing my arms over my chest now. "Lando, please tell me when I said that?"

"You said no flirting and that just happens naturally when I talk to you, even when Oscar's around, so how am I supposed to interact with you? I can't just ignore you all day, especially when you look like that."

I roll my eyes at him, despite the grin on my lips as I uncross my arms and place my hands on either side of his face, bringing it closer to mine as I whisper "has anyone ever told you that you're dramatic," before pressing my lips against his.

He pulls back long enough to flash me a smirk as he says, "maybe, but you know you find it endearing," before reconnecting our lips in a quick kiss.

"Now," I say as we pull apart and continue walking, "as I was saying before you went all drama queen on me; we don't have to ignore each other. Just play it cool and don't do anything that'll raise any suspicions."

He gives me a mock salute and puts a little space between us when the boat comes into view. "Aye aye captain. Platonic vibes only."

"There's the other half of the papaya clan!" Max greets Lando with a bro hug before moving to pull me in for a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek when we walk on board. "It's good to see you two."

"You too! Thank you for letting us tag along. I feel like if we had to spend another day in the house, we would've ended up killing each other." I reach over and push Lando playfully to get him to play along.

He reaches over and lightly pushes my head. "Hey, I'm not that bad of a housemate."

Max laughs at the two of us and motions for us to follow him to the inside seating area. "Everyone is just chilling in here until Charles gets here. Make yourselves comfortable, there's drinks and snacks over there behind the bar if you need anything."

When we round the corner, I immediately make eye contact with my brother, who's currently sitting on the couch chatting with Daniel. We share a smile and I turn around to let Lando know I'm going to go join him.

He looks past me at Oscar and gives him a small nod and wave before looking back down at me with a smile. "Have fun, I'll be over there with Carlos if you need me." He reaches for my hand in the space between us and gives it a light squeeze before I turn around to head for the couch.

Oscar stands up from the couch when he sees me walking over and pulls me in for a hug when I reach him. "How's my favorite sister? Has Norris been taking care of you and Cora?"

We pull apart and I playfully roll my eyes at him. "He's actually been a quite good host to us so far, so there's nothing to worry about."

He reaches out and flicks me on the forehead, "I may be younger, but I'll always worry about you." He looks behind me, then back with a confused look. "Where is your other half anyway, I thought she was coming?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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