431 14 0

May 16, 2023

"No effing way!!" Cora's screech echos in the car and wakes me up from my, after flight, power nap.

"Have you ever heard of an inside voice?" I sit up and glare at her.

She sarcastically smiles and squints her eyes at me. "You need to get up and enjoy the view anyway," she looks back out of her window, eyes gleaming, "you've been asleep ever since we loaded the car in Nice."

"Sorry some of us don't do well with the early morning wake up calls." I stretch my arms above my head and look out the window beside me. The sun reflecting off the bright blue water is almost blinding, but breathtakingly beautiful at the same time.

I feel myself involuntarily smile at the views around us. Anywhere near the water is my happy place. I tear my gaze away from the window as my phone vibrates in my lap, the smile growing a little wider when I see who it is.
L: word on the web is you've made it to Monaco
L: tiny bit offended I had to find out from the twitter gossip pages and not you :(
I: I have a valid reason for not texting when we landed
L: I feel like I know where this is going...

His second reply comes through at the same time I send mine.
I: I've been asleep
L: You were asleep as soon as you got in the car
I: See!! You know me so well <3

The voice of our driver pulls me from my conversation with Lando. "Ladies, we've arrived at the hotel. If you want to go in and get everything sorted, I'll take care of your luggage."

Cora and I both thank him and head to the front, where Oscar and Lily are waiting, having just been dropped off themselves.

Oscar leads the four of us into the lobby, making small talk as we walk. "How was the car ride?"

Cora was quick to respond, "besides Indy basically drooling on me the second we hit the road," I scoff and reach out to hit her, but she dodges my movement, "the views were absolutely breathtaking. I can't wait to do more exploring when we get everything settled."

Oscar tosses her a teasing wink as he says, "I'm sure there's a certain Monégasque who wouldn't mind showing you around."

She crosses her arms and pulls a face at his back as he turns around to the lady at the front desk. "Not like it's any of your business, but we've already got plans for the day."

I turn to her with a look, "we haven't even been here 10 minutes and you're already planning to leave me to third wheel with these two?"

Cora gives me an apologetic smile, "Charles has been so excited ever since I told him I was sticking around for this race, I couldn't say no when he texted last night."

"No no, I get it," I pull a fake hurt look, "I've been replaced."

She bumps her shoulder with mine, "shut up, you know nobody could ever take your place."

I tap my finger on her nose and we share a smile.

After a few minutes of going back and forth with the front desk clerk, Oscar and Lily walk back to us with frustrated looks on their faces.

I furrow my brows at the two, "what's wrong?"

Oscar runs a hand down his face as Lily places a comforting hand on his arm. "So there's been a mishap with the rooms. They accidentally overbooked and you two don't have a room."

"So where are we supposed to go?" I motion my hand between Cora and I.

Lily offers a sweet smile, "we asked about other hotels in the area and she said they're all booked out. There is an option to get you guys a roll away bed for our room if you want to do that."

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