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Happy New Year!!! So sorry I've been MIA this past month :( between work and the craziness of the holidays, it's been hard to find the time to sit back and give this story my full attention, but I'm back and I am going to try and get better at getting you guys updates! And thank you for 2k reads, you guys are the best <3


May 19, 2023

We haven't left the house much the past few days, with me being jet lagged and Lando wanting to spend as much uninterrupted time together as possible before the race week starts in a few days.

We've spent time out by the pool, lounging in bed, with me making him watch New Girl, and spending the evenings hanging out with his family.

I can tell I've finally caught up on my sleep because this morning I woke up before the sun was out.

I carefully remove myself from Lando's arms, a place that has quickly become my new favorite place to be, and quietly shuffle towards the bathroom to do my morning routine.

I grab one of his hoodies from the closet and pull it on before tiptoeing from the bathroom and to the bedroom door. I make my way to the kitchen and grab all the things I need to make myself a honey oat milk latte.

My first day here, Lando woke up from his nap before I did and went into town to grab the stuff to make them at the house. He even took the time to have his sister, Cisca, show him how to make it the right way so he could have one for me when I get up.

And without fail, the past 2 days I've woken up, he's had one ready and waiting for me, so it's no shock that the one I made this morning doesn't compare to his.

I grab my coffee and lyric notebook before making my way out the back patio doors.

Complete and total silence. Back in LA, this is how I spent most of my mornings. Just me, a cup of liquid motivation, the stillness of the morning and the thoughts in my head.

I pull my legs up onto the outdoor sofa and open the notebook to a blank page. Writing has always been my favorite form of therapy. My therapist is actually one of my biggest motivators when it comes to my writing, constantly telling me to write down whatever I'm feeling, whether it be big or small emotions.

Spending all this time with Lando these past few days, and seeing how he treats me, and others, with care, respect and genuine kindness, has really put the relationship I had with Ben into perspective.

It took me almost a year to realize that Ben was manipulative, sneaky, arrogant, selfish, a liar. All the things nobody deserves to put up with, but for the longest time, I was oblivious to his ways. Blinded by his charm and the way he made me feel when he would spend time with me.

Master manipulator
God, you're so good at what you do

I absentmindedly start humming a melody as the words keep coming and my hand keeps moving.

Oh, and now you got me thinking
Two plus two equals five
And I'm the love of your life

I keep writing well past when the sun comes up and don't stop until I feel two hands rest on my shoulders, gently massaging and making my eyes close in relaxation as I lean my head back on the person behind me.

"Good morning, nice hoodie," he bends down and presses his lips to my forehead, earning a grin from my lips. "How long have you been up for?"

I open my eyes when he stops massaging my shoulders and listen to his footsteps as he moves to sit beside me.

Reckless Driving - LNDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora