Chapter One | Agreement and Cookies!

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In the midst of the Moonwalk Café, I sat engrossed in my iPhone, communicating with a Russian contact whose identity and military affiliation remained shrouded in secrecy. The enigmatic nature of our correspondence hinted at a desire to protect herself and her military history from past wounds, a plausible scenario in our line of work.

My surroundings drew my attention momentarily, revealing a woman wearing a Russian emblem on her bulletproof vest. With a sinking feeling, I concluded that she was the person I had been communicating with. "Excuse me, are you the Russian contractor?" I called out to her, and recognition flashed across her face as she approached my table.

Our conversation revolved around contractual agreements, but it was interrupted when a young woman, somewhere between seventeen and twenty, approached us, inquiring, "May I assist you?" I politely asked her to take the Russian woman's order first before mine, and she promptly did so, taking both our requests.

As our discussion continued, the waitress returned with our orders, and I expressed gratitude before returning to our business. The success of our agreement weighed on my mind, and as I sipped my coffee, I shared a smile with the Russian woman. Her notebook, where she was jotting down notes, piqued my curiosity, though I couldn't discern if it was a journal or records of our conversation.

Her writing was in Russian, and I hesitated to pry into her notes. Still, my intrigue got the better of me, and I decided to ask about her work. She explained that she was translating our agreements for my understanding, putting my concerns to rest.

We shared a lighthearted moment, and I joked about planting a kiss, which earned a sly response from her, leaving me momentarily flustered. With a piece of paper and a pen, she requested my signature, and after formalities were concluded, we prepared to leave. As she embraced me and planted a chaste kiss on my cheek, I couldn't help but feel taken aback by the unexpected gesture.

Our paths diverged as we left the café, and I couldn't help but be intrigued by the Russian woman's charm. However, her busy schedule posed a potential obstacle to further acquaintance. Still, I harbored hope that our paths might cross again.

Upon arriving at my home, I ascended the stairs for a refreshing shower, where I sighed, relief washing over me. Dressed in casual attire, I settled in the living room to catch up on television, but a late-night visitor knocked on my door, surprising me.

A woman with an upbeat demeanor introduced herself as a new neighbor, sparking my annoyance. Though I closed the door with irritation, the night continued with me watching TV, the sounds of rain outside.

A text from my neighbor, Mrs. Mackenzie, popped up on my phone, and I responded, acknowledging my initial rudeness. I decided to visit her, drawn by the promise of her famous chocolate chip cookies.

The night passed quietly, and when I woke to the sound of raindrops on my window, Mrs. Mackenzie's text was waiting for me. I replied warmly, appreciating the neighborly gesture. Later, I prepared for work, securing my guns and receiving a message from CEO and Commander Ethan Morse, officially welcoming a new member, George Daniels, to Ethan's private military company.

George Daniels, overwhelmed by the honor, felt the weight of his newfound role and proudly embraced the opportunity to serve. His excitement was palpable, and he looked forward to being a valuable member of the team.

Hours later, the dawn broke gently through my window, illuminating the room in soft, muted shades of blue. It was another day, and with it, new possibilities and challenges loomed on the horizon. After a few hours of restless sleep, I reluctantly untangled myself from the embrace of my bed and headed downstairs.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air as I entered the kitchen. As I waited for the coffee to pour into my cup, my thoughts drifted back to the enigmatic Russian woman from the Moonwalk Café. Her presence lingered in my mind, leaving me yearning for more answers.

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