Chapter Twelve | Gaining Intel, Dinner and Sorrow.

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A brisk knock echoed through the air, prompting Ethan Morse to raise his voice, inviting the visitor inside. The door swung open, revealing Warrant Officer Ivanov as he entered the room.

"Commander, I was just speaking with Ella. She had to step out but handed me this file for you," Ivanov explained, advancing toward Charlotte and Ethan. Mid-conversation, his attention shifted to Charlotte, Ethan's daughter.

"Sir, who's this?" Ivanov inquired, approaching Charlotte with an outstretched hand. He introduced himself, and as they exchanged greetings, she identified herself as Charlotte Morse, Ethan's daughter.

"Wait... Commander? This is your daughter?" Ivanov exclaimed, a hint of surprise coloring his words.

"Commander Morse," he complimented with a warm smile, "your daughter is truly beautiful." Charlotte blushed slightly, expressing her gratitude for the kind words. Ivanov then turned his attention back to Ethan Morse, his demeanor shifting into a more serious tone.

"Also commander," Ivanov began, "I couldn't help but notice the demands on my plate. It's been a while since I visited my family in Vancouver, British Columbia, hasn't it?"

Ethan nodded, a touch of nostalgia crossing his features. "It has been," he admitted, reflecting on the time that had passed since his last visit. Ivanov continued, "Sir, I've been working tirelessly, and I believe it's crucial to strike a balance. I suggest taking some time off to visit my family. They would appreciate it, and it's essential for me to recharge."

Ethan considered the proposal, realizing the truth in Ivanov's words. After a brief pause, he agreed, "You're right, Ivanov. You should make that trip. It's long overdue, and your family deserves some quality time together."

Ivanov nodded approvingly, "Mind making the necessary arrangements, Commander? I've earned this break, and I'm sure my family will be thrilled to have me." With a genuine appreciation for Warrant Officer Ivanov's suggestion, Ethan Morse swiftly took action. He reached for his communication device and called for a transport helicopter.
"Ivanov," Ethan said, catching the Warrant Officer's attention,

"You've been dedicated to your duties, and it's high time you spend some quality moments with your family too. I've arranged for a transport helicopter to take you to Vancouver. Go and make the most of your time with them." Ivanov, surprised by the unexpected gesture, expressed his gratitude before making his way to the awaiting helicopter. As it took off, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment knowing he had facilitated a reunion between a soldier and his loved ones.

Turning his attention back to the matters at hand, Ethan issued orders to his elite unit, the "Special Forces Division" with the codename "Cilicet Zero Seven."

"Prepare for Operation: Darkest Night," he commanded, a stern determination in his voice. The unit swiftly went into action, gearing up and focusing on the mission ahead. The atmosphere in the room shifted, and Ethan's thoughts turned to the challenges that awaited them in the upcoming operation. The authoritative voice of Ethan Morse resonated through the speakers, signaling the commencement of a critical briefing. Morse promptly summoned the Special Forces Division, officially known as the "Biochemical, Anti-Aircraft, and Private Combat Division," to gather in the meticulously arranged briefing room for a comprehensive overview of their upcoming operation.

In response to Morse's call, the elite division swiftly assembled in the designated space. The atmosphere was tense yet disciplined as soldiers filed into the room, fully aware of the gravity of the mission ahead. At the head of the room, the distinguished figures of the Black Cells PMC High Command awaited their arrival. With a confident demeanor, Ethan Morse greeted the division upon their entrance, a subtle enthusiasm evident in his voice. Alongside him stood his daughter, a silent observer to the unfolding events. Morse proceeded to articulate the specifics of the mission while the soldiers attentively absorbed the critical information.

As the briefing concluded, operators dispersed, heading to their respective stations to equip themselves for the imminent operation. The once-static room now buzzed with purposeful activity as the specialized forces efficiently gathered their gear, preparing for deployment. The sound of boots resonated through the corridors as the operatives made their way to the awaiting helicopters, ready to execute their assigned tasks with precision and determination.

As the soldiers efficiently boarded the helicopters, Ethan Morse wasted no time in delivering a swift but comprehensive briefing. The urgency of the impending mission hung in the air as rotor blades started to spin, signaling the departure of the helicopters from the site.

"Anyway, Charlotte, wanna grab a bite?" Ethan Morse, transitioning from military affairs to a more personal tone, directed his question to his twenty-three-year-old daughter. With a nod of agreement, they decided to head to a nearby diner with a nostalgic 50's theme.

In the cozy ambiance of the diner, they placed their orders, choosing comfort food amidst the retro decor. Amid casual banter and discussions, the conversation took an unexpected turn. Charlotte, in a moment of revelation, disclosed that she was in a relationship and expecting a child. The news hit Ethan with a mixture of surprise and shock, evident in his expression as he absorbed the unexpected revelation from his daughter. The diner's 50's aesthetic suddenly juxtaposed with the contemporary reality unfolding at their table, creating a poignant moment in the midst of the day's military urgency.

"Charlotte..." Ethan's voice carried a weight of contemplation as he glanced out of the window. Concern etched on her face, Charlotte inquired about her father's well-being. Turning his attention back to her, Ethan broached a profound question without preamble,

"Do you even want a child?" Cutting through any potential circumlocution, he aimed for the heart of the matter. Charlotte, meeting his gaze, nodded with affirmation, confirming her desire for parenthood and expressing her happiness at the prospect. The quiet intensity of the moment lingered in the air as the father and daughter navigated the complexities of this unexpected conversation.

The remainder of dinner unfolded with a mix of subdued emotions and shared understanding between Ethan and Charlotte. They finished their meals, navigating the uncharted territory of the conversation they just had. The 50's diner theme surrounding them seemed to serve as a backdrop to the evolving dynamics within their relationship. After settling the bill, Ethan and Charlotte made their way to the parking lot, the neon glow of the diner casting an ethereal light on their silhouettes. They got into Ethan's car, a comfortable silence enveloping them as they drove through the city to Charlotte's house.

Upon arriving, the porch light flickered to life, welcoming them to a cozy home that bore the traces of a shared life. Charlotte's husband, Jackson Nathan, who had taken his wife's last name – "Morse," stood at the door, a warm smile on his face. The atmosphere shifted, and Ethan extended a handshake, acknowledging the man who had become an integral part of his daughter's life.

Inside, the living room exuded a sense of comfort and belonging. The evening unfolded with laughter, stories, and the clinking of glasses. Ethan and Jackson found common ground, bridging the generational and experiential gap. The discussions moved seamlessly from military anecdotes to more personal matters, creating an atmosphere of genuine connection.

As the night wore on, Ethan couldn't help but notice the happiness in his daughter's eyes and the genuine bond between Charlotte and Jackson. It was a realization that while the dynamics of their family had evolved, the core of their connection remained steadfast. The unexpected revelation over dinner had opened a door to a new chapter, one that promised growth, understanding, and the shared joy of welcoming a new member into the Morse family.

The warmth of the family gathering was abruptly shattered by an unexpected knock on the door. The room fell silent as Ethan excused himself and crossed over to answer it. As he opened the door, there stood Ella, his Secretary of Military Operations. Concern immediately etched across Ethan's face at the sight of Ella, her makeup smudged by tear-streaked cheeks.

"Ella, what's going on?" Ethan inquired, his voice filled with genuine concern. Without uttering a word, Ella's tearful eyes conveyed the magnitude of the news she carried. Ethan instinctively pulled her into a comforting hug, his own worry escalating. Jackson and Charlotte, sensing the sudden shift in the atmosphere, approached to witness an unexpected scene - Charlotte's father embracing a distraught woman. The room held its breath as they awaited an explanation.
Between sobs, Ella managed to speak, her words catching in her throat. "My... father is... dead." The weight of the news hung in the air, leaving an unsettling stillness in its wake. Ethan, normally composed, remained silent, holding Ella close as if offering solace in the face of an inexplicable tragedy. The shared joy of the evening now eclipsed by the harsh reality of loss.

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