Chapter Twenty-Eight | The Loss of a Dear Friend, and Operation: Black Eclipse.

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Ethan Morse approached Echo 2-1's room, where she was visibly upset. He opened the door and knocked, catching Echo 2-1's attention. She got up and walked over to him, seeking solace in his embrace. Her beautiful brown, silky smooth hair fell gently over his face. "I miss him, sir," she spoke, tears still in her eyes. Ethan, using his comforting voice, replied, "I know, Evelyn. I know." She guided him to sit on her bed, where she kissed him on the lips, an expression of both grief and longing. Realizing the impropriety, she quickly apologized,

"I-I'm sorry, sir."

Ethan, in response, returned the kiss and spoke gently, "I haven't told anyone this—I have always loved you." Evelyn blushed and sat on his lap, hugging him. They remained there in silence, finding solace in each other's presence as Ethan comforted her during a difficult moment. Just then, Ethan received a text message from one of his operators, notifying him that someone named "Mrs. Mackenzie" was here to see him—an unfamiliar name that triggered his memory.

"Wait, Mrs. Mackenzie. I haven't seen her in a while," Ethan whispered to himself. Evelyn, curious, asked about whom he was talking to.

"A neighbor of mine, Mrs. Mackenzie," Ethan replied to Evelyn, wrapping his arm around her. She decided to grab a blanket, putting it around them. In a soft whisper, Evelyn expressed her feelings to Ethan.

"I love you, I always have, and I always will," she said with a smile. Realizing he needed to respond to the message, Ethan texted the operator, instructing him to bring Mrs. Mackenzie to Room 007.

As they waited, Ethan and Evelyn found comfort in each other's embrace, casually lying in bed together. When the knock came at the door, Ethan confidently called, "Come in!" The operator and Mrs. Mackenzie entered, finding Ethan and Evelyn in an unexpected, yet oddly comfortable, situation.

"Uh, well anyway. I need to go, sir, but I'll leave Mrs. Mackenzie here," the operator said, smiling and giving a wink to both Ethan and Evelyn, subtly acknowledging the unexpected situation. As the soldier left, he realized he had forgotten to inform Ethan of something important. He quickly texted him, "Also, sir, after the funeral today, Brittney Smith, the Veridora government official, has a military squad that was taken hostage by the Veridora Private Military." Ethan received the text and responded, "Okay, thank you, Lt."

Ethan Morse, Evelyn, and Mrs. Mackenzie engaged in a conversation about life. Mrs. Mackenzie handed Ethan a tin can, which he opened to find his favorite chocolate cookies. "Thank you, ma'am," Ethan said, smiling, placing the tin can on the nightstand. As Mrs. Mackenzie mentioned she had to leave, Ethan ordered an operator to escort her to the front.

As she left, Evelyn whispered in Ethan's ear, "Thank god, because you're mine." She expressed partial annoyance at the prolonged visit but made it clear she endured it out of love for Ethan.

"Obsessive much?" Ethan joked, to which she nodded. This caught Ethan off guard, but he dismissed it, thinking she was just joking.

"Anyways, Ethan, don't we have to go?" Evelyn glanced at the time, prompting Ethan to do the same. He quickly stood up, realizing the urgency.

"Oh, shit! We really do have to go!" Ethan exclaimed in a panic. As Evelyn and Ethan grabbed their items, they hurried down the hallway and went outside to Ethan's car. They drove quickly down the highway toward the funeral home. Ethan hastily sent a text to Lt. Orion:

"Greetings, Lieutenant Orion. I need to head out with Evelyn, but I need you to take a squad and go to Nexusberg's Quantum Nexus Research Facility for a military operation. I'd advise taking Bravo Squad or the Death Division. Much Respect, Ethan Morse."

Whispering Pines, Alberta
Black Cells PMC HQ,
Operation: Black Eclipse
Lt. Orion, Black Cells Strike Team Alpha

Lt. Orion strolled down the hallways until he arrived at Ella's office. He gave a firm knock on the door, and from within, he heard Ella's voice saying,

"Come in, Agent," she spoke shyly. Lt. Orion opened the door and entered.

"Ah, Trevor Orion, it's good to see you!" Ella greeted with enthusiasm. Trevor took a seat, placing his helmet on the table. Leaning forward, Ella handed him a file labeled, "Operation: Black Eclipse." As the lieutenant opened the file and perused its contents, he looked visibly shocked upon finishing. The file slipped from his grasp, falling onto the floor, and he covered his face with his hands.

"I... I don't know what to say..." Trevor uttered, turning to face Ella.

"Yeah... I know," Ella replied to Trevor's shock. "However, it must be done." She continued. Trevor sighed in agreement, rising to his feet. He radioed Bravo Squad, instructing them to join him for Operation: Black Eclipse.

"Bravo Squad, I need you for an operation called 'Operation: Black Eclipse.' I have no idea what this operation is about. All I know is we need to go to Nexusburg, to their research facility."

"Copy, Lt. Orion. We'll meet you at Helipad B. We'll move out from there, sir," one of the Bravo Squad members responded cheerfully.

Five minutes later...

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