Chapter Twenty-Three | Engaging Ultranationalists.

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"Jack!" The woman shouted while holding a file, of an unknown subject. As the woman with brunette hair, red lipstick and a business suit walked towards the man named Jack. "Charlotte. It's finally nice to meet you." Jack spoke, before leaning back in a relaxing stance. The woman, now revealed to be Charlotte, as Jack spoke again,

"So, Charlotte how's your father, Ethan?" He spoke, before Charlotte replied, "Excellent. He's been excellent." She said, before setting the file on the table and sliding it towards him. "What's this?" Jack spoke, confused. Charlotte, pointed towards the file, "Open it." She began again.


The diners door bell rang, and a few people in a military uniform entered the diner, holding their weapons. The people noticed the insignia, "Wait... Is that Black Cells PMC?" someone sitting at a nearby table away from Charlotte and Jack said, as Charlotte turned around and Jack looked over to the operators. 

"Wait... That one red and black uniform seems... familiar, very familiar." Charlotte spoke, as people at other tables glanced over at her. Before going back to viewing the Black Cell PMC Operatives. One of the four soldiers glanced over to Charlotte, before the unnamed soldier tapped on the soldier with the red and black uniform who also has a red beret took a glance himself before, the man appearing to be the "Commander" as the received his cup of coffee and his plate of food, and went over to Charlotte and Jack, before placing the coffee and food on the table and taking his beret and mask off, revealing Charlotte's father, Ethan Morse.

"Hello, Charlotte." Ethan Morse said, kissed his daughter on the forehead, before the other three soldiers came walking over,

"Commander. I've got off the phone with someone who's given us the location on the ultra-nationalists FOB, and one of their MOB's." The soldier with the rank tag, "Lieutenant", spoke before handing his Commanding Officer, Ethan Morse his custom-designed ak74u.

"Alright, we'll move out in a minute." Ethan Morse said, before saying his goodbyes to his daughter, before the operators walked out as they noticed a helicopter landed, and picked up the operators.

Hours Later...

Ethan Morse and his operatives are talking to a few other allied agents, "Ethan Morse, my name is Ivan Archinov. I need you and your men in the air, and the rest of you, aka my operators, take the ground assault." A man, who revealed his name is Ivan Archinov with a StealthWolf PMC, spoke telling Ethan Morse and his operators, to take the air, so they can overrun the ultra-nationalists in their MOB. 


The ultra-nationalist announcer, speaking in Japanese, spoke, alerting the soldiers about an attack on their base, and they should respond quickly to defend their base from the on-coming invaders, as the Black Cells PMC attack helicopters, airstrikes, and other missiles being detonated over the base cause some destruction.

"(In Japanese) Attention All Personnel. All Security and Military Forces, take out our intruders immediately. Do. Not. Fail." The Japanese announcer spoke, before a missile detonated on the fuel storage. As many Japanese voice were heard screaming over the radio, as a soldier from StealthWolf PMC took the radio, and handed it over to Ivan Archinov, call sign "Alpha Actual", who grabbed a Japanese ultranationalist, and used him as a shield and killed the other soldier before stabbing a knife into the Japanese soldiers heart, killing him.

"Shadow Actual, this is Alpha 1 Actual. Come in, over." Ivan Archinov, spoke, before Ethan Morse's voice came onto the radio, "Alpha 1 Actual, this is Shadow Actual, what's going on?" As Ethan Morse got off the radio, Ivan came back onto the radio, telling them, the base is secured.

As Ethan Morse, radioed in telling them, should they take it over, as he got off again, Ivan said, why not, they could use another military MOB, and they should try to get more FOB's as well.

A Day Later..

Tokyo, Japan.
Black Cells PMC, 
CEO Ethan Morse
Japanese Ultranationalist MOB
Day 2 - 1:24:25 A.M. 

As Ethan Morse was in his new MOB office, he was writing in his journal about their mission.

"June 7th, 2025.

Yesterday, we took control of a Japanese Ultranationalist Group MOB, and now we've got a Japan MOB... So I guess that's a plus...I guess. Anyway, I've yet to meet my new PMC contractors, but I'll have to do that late-----------" Ethan noticed that part of his journal he accidentally tore off.

"Shit." Ethan Morse answered himself, before he sighed. He heard a knock on his door, as Ethan Morse replied to the knock by shouting "COME IN!" Which revealed Ivan Archinov, StealthWolf PMC's founder, who was first, intrigued by the layout, before coughing, then saying, "Oh that's right, Ethan."

"A woman from the Japanese government, has noticed a change in... well leadership, and she wanted to check it out, so we're just waiting for your authorization." Ivan Archinov answered, before Ethan just said, "yeah, sure, whatever." before going back to writing a file.

"Alright.", Ivan spoke before going on the radio, "Lt. Smith, for the woman in the Japanese government, let her in, she has been given an authorization by your, Commander, Ethan Morse."

The woman, who revealed herself as Himari, and she wants to take a look around, and to meet this "Ethan Morse" who she heard rumors that Ethan Morse helped take down the ultranationalist group funded by the Russian ultranationalist PMC that the Black Cells PMC  is going after themselves. 

Himari, Ivan Archinov, and a few StealthWolf and Black Cells PMC operators made their way towards Ethan Morse's office, after a few minutes they reached his office, and entered his office. When they entered they asked him for a tour, which he spoke, 

"You can get Mr. Archinov, here to take you." Ethan spoke.

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