Chapter Seventeen | Behind Enemy Lines.

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The helicopter had plummeted from the sky, a fiery blaze now extinguished in the pristine white expanse of the unforgiving terrain. Snowflakes danced in the air, like ethereal messengers of a frigid wilderness that seemed to stretch infinitely in every direction. The wreckage of the chopper lay scattered across the icy ground, a testament to the chaos that had unfolded.
Ethan Morse emerged from the wreckage, shaken but determined. His eyes scanned the horizon, a sea of snow and shadows. The biting wind cut through the air, nipping at exposed skin. He adjusted the collar of his insulated jacket, the cold seeping through the layers despite the warmth they promised. Beside him, Chernova Ivanova and Warrant Officer Ivanov struggled to their feet, their breath visible in the frozen air.

"Great," Chernova grumbled, her words forming clouds in the icy atmosphere. "We better get paid at least good money for being in this weather." Ivanov, the seasoned warrant officer with a scarred face that told tales of battles long-forgotten, offered a wry smile.

"Ivanova, you always did have a way of finding the silver lining." The fourth member of the party, a young soldier named Corporal Rodriguez, staggered out of the wreckage, rubbing his arms for warmth. He surveyed the desolate landscape with wide eyes, his breath hitching in the crisp air. Ethan, taking charge, spoke above the howling wind.

"We can't stay here. We need to move before they realize we survived the crash." They trudged through the snow, each step a struggle against the resistance of the icy ground. The landscape was a stark, monochrome painting, interrupted only by the wreckage behind them. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the crunching of their boots on the snow.Chernova glanced at the horizon, her breath forming a white cloud. "So, any idea where we are, Morse?"

Ethan checked the GPS device salvaged from the helicopter wreckage.

"Behind Enemy Lines, that's for sure. We need to head south. There's a settlement there, but it's a long trek."

Ivanov grunted in acknowledgment, his gaze scanning their surroundings for any signs of movement.

"Let's hope we don't encounter any unwanted guests along the way." As they pressed on, the temperature continued to drop, and the wind howled like a vengeful spirit. Chernova couldn't help but shiver, despite the layers of clothing she wore. She cast a sidelong glance at Ethan.
"Remind me again why we signed up for this gig? The money better be worth it."Ethan smirked, his eyes reflecting a glint of determination. "I'm counting on it, Ivanova. I'm counting on it."

The journey through the biting cold seemed endless, but after hours of perseverance, the team finally reached the outskirts of the settlement. The compound, surrounded by high walls draped in snow, loomed before them like a fortress in the icy wilderness. A flickering light in a distant window hinted at the warmth within. As they approached the entrance, the heavy gates creaked open, revealing a group of armed guards who eyed the newcomers cautiously. A gruff-looking man in a thick coat stepped forward, his breath forming a mist in the cold air.

"What brings you here?" he demanded, scrutinizing the worn-out group. Ethan flashed a badge and spoke with authority. "We're here on official business. Need a place to warm up and make arrangements for extraction."
The man nodded, recognizing the insignia. "Follow me."

They entered the compound, the contrast between the bitter cold outside and the warmth within almost overwhelming. The scent of hot food wafted through the air as they were led to a makeshift command center. The room was dimly lit, maps sprawled across a table, and a radio crackling in the background. Once settled, Chernova couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. She shrugged off her heavy backpack and slumped into a chair, the exhaustion of the journey catching up with her. Ivanov joined her, both of them exchanging glances that spoke of shared struggles. As the team thawed in the warmth of the compound, conversation turned to more personal matters. Ethan leaned against the table, looking at each member of the group.
"So, what's the plan for Christmas, once we're out of this mess?" Chernova smirked, her eyes glinting with mischief. "I'm thinking of a beach somewhere, sipping on a tropical drink. No snow in sight." Ivanov chuckled. "Sounds like paradise. I might join you, Ivanova."
Ethan raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on his lips.

"You two plotting a vacation without me?" The banter continued, momentarily lifting the weight of their dangerous mission. Corporal Rodriguez, however, remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor. Sensing his somber mood, Chernova nudged him gently.
"What about you, Rodriguez? Any plans for the holidays?"

He hesitated, then sighed. "I don't have any remaining family left." A hush fell over the group, the reality of war and its toll on lives hanging in the air. Chernova placed a comforting hand on Rodriguez's shoulder.

"I'm sorry to hear that, kid. If you ever want to talk..." He managed a small, appreciative smile but remained quiet. The camaraderie of the team, the banter about holidays and family, suddenly took on a bittersweet note. In the midst of the mercenary world's shadows, they found themselves bound not just by duty but by the shared burden of the past.

The room fell silent as the shock of the revelation lingered in the air. Warrant Officer Ivanov, who had been part of their team, now stood exposed as a double agent, a traitor within their ranks. The weight of betrayal hung heavily on the shoulders of those gathered. Ethan Morse, his face a mask of steely determination, broke the silence.
Before she could finish her sentence, the radio crackled to life with the voice of their contact. "Sir, a Russian Ultranationalist PMC, and their Commanding Officer, is a part of the Black Cells PMC. They call him Warrant Officer Ivanov."
Chernova Ivanova, her eyes narrowed in disbelief, spoke with an undertone of anger. "Ivanov, you fucking son of a bitch!"
The revelation echoed in the room, leaving everyone stunned. The gravity of the situation sank in as the implications of Ivanov's allegiance became clear.Ethan's jaw clenched, his mind racing.

"We can't afford to let this information spread. We need to deal with this quietly." As the shock began to wear off, Corporal Rodriguez and Chernova exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of anger and betrayal. Ivanov, sensing the shift in the room, took a step back, his eyes darting nervously. Ethan, with a swift and decisive motion, pulled out his custom-designed dark purple Desert Eagle sidearm.

The room erupted in tension, the sound of a gunshot shattering the silence. Ivanov crumpled to the floor, the shock on his face mirroring that of his former comrades. Chernova and Rodriguez stared at Ethan, the weight of the moment settling in. The room was charged with a different kind of energy now, the betrayal met with a cold and calculated response. Ethan holstered his sidearm, his gaze unwavering.
"We don't have time for sentimentality. Our mission remains the same, and we can't risk this information getting out. We move forward, and we make them pay for every deception." The team, though shaken by the revelation, nodded in agreement. The mission became more crucial than ever, as the shadows of the mercenary world deepened, revealing the treacherous paths they were treading. The betrayal of one would not deter them from their objective; instead, it fueled their determination to navigate the darkness and emerge victorious.

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