Chapter Twenty-Two | The temporary alliance with our Enemy... Legion Task Force.

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Inside the secure confines of Legion Task Forces' war room, Ivan Archinov, the StealthWolf PMC Founder and CEO, faced an unusual assembly. Lt. Orion, the Director of Communications for StealthWolf PMC who oddly carried the title of Lieutenant, joined the discussion alongside the High Command of Legion Task Force. The holographic displays hummed to life, revealing intel on the enigmatic unknown-named PMC that posed an imminent threat.

Ivan spoke with a sense of urgency, "We find ourselves in the gravest of situations, where our factions' disputes pale in comparison to the looming danger. It's time to forge a temporary alliance for the sake of humanity."

Lt. Orion, his demeanor composed, nodded in agreement. "This adversary threatens us all, irrespective of our affiliations. We must combine our strengths to overcome this common enemy."

The High Command, acknowledging the severity of the threat, exchanged knowing glances. One of them, a strategist with a keen eye for tactics, voiced their understanding, "Our collaboration will be pragmatic and fleeting. Once this threat is vanquished, our paths diverge once again."

Ivan leaned forward, determination in his voice, "Agreed. Our unity is paramount to facing this imminent danger. The advanced technology of Legion Task Force combined with the covert expertise of StealthWolf will be our strongest assets."

The holographic projection revealed the intricacies of the unknown PMC's operations. Lt. Orion proposed, "A joint task force, seamlessly blending the strengths of StealthWolf and Legion Task Force. Our unique capabilities will be the key to dismantling this threat."

The Legion Task Force High Command, though hesitant, recognized the necessity of the alliance and nodded in agreement.

Ivan concluded, "Let this alliance be a beacon of hope in the face of adversity. Once the danger is averted, our collaboration ends, and we return to our respective paths. But until then, let us be a united force against this common enemy."

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