Chapter 6

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"So where exactly are we going?" Perhaps he should have asked before when they had first left the shop by Seb had been so wrapped in just experiencing the city he really hadn't paid much attention.

The sky had been clear and beautiful shades of orange and red, the sunlight from twin the suns warming his exposed skin and Seb had relished the ability to feel it. It was such a simple sensation one that born humans probably took for granted yet it was the first feeling that Seb could say he unequivocally enjoyed, no draw backs just a wonderful feeling of contentment.

Not that he would ever admit that to another living soul, The Mistress would probably roll her eyes and mock him for it and Osgood...shivering despite the heat Seb couldn't fight the way he body seemed to react to just the thought of Osgood or Skip as the Mistress liked to call her...Osgood would probably look up at him with those large brown eyes of hers and dare to empathise!

Urghh humans and their overdeveloped sentimentality Seb had hoped never to have to deal with them again after the Nethersphere but then The Mistress had to try and compete with The Doctor and now they had a little ape tagging along. An ape his own creator had abandoned him for, well Seb had shown them, he had found new friends...better friends...friends who could appreciate just how special he was...

"Really where are we going?" Seb repeated his long strides easily catching up with the Tailor who was quick on his feet for a man who was crooked and bent with his advancing years. "I hope it is somewhere fun. I haven't been allowed to do anything interesting in ages."

"To see an old friend of mine, he owes me a favour and I think it's high time I claimed it." The Tailor replied with a polite smile that didn't seem to reach his eyes, eyes that seemed to only warm up as his gaze travelled over Seb and the former A.I. felt his human stomach give an unpleasant lurch at the gesture.

It was a very odd feeling and Seb wasn't sure if he was hungry or if this churning sensation was being caused by something was all so confusing.

"Yes high time...he will know just how to make use of you." The old man muttered to himself waving impatiently for Seb to keep up, the A.I. having fallen behind as the hairs on his neck began to prickle as they approached the most ornate building in the entire city, yet instead of the main entrance they seemed to be heading towards guarded side door.

"Master Tailor to see the Overseer." The old tailor informed the blank faced guards who stared down at him for a moment, their ocular implant scanning him over with a blue beam of light before moving on to Seb.

"He's my guest I will take full responsibilities for his... person." The Tailor added chuckling to himself at his little joke. "Look just tell the Overseer I am here." He added before the guards could get their two brain cells in a twist.

A moment later the door was opened and the smug tailor ushered a suddenly nervous Seb through the doors. "Come come we don't have all day the Overseer is very busy."

"Actually I should probably at least contact my friends and let them know where I am." Seb insisted taking a step back only for his way to be blocked by the solid wall of the two guards who had followed him through. "If you will just excuse me for a mo..."

"No I won't." The Tailor replied all pretence of civility dropped now they were safely out of sight. "You signed a contract and you are going to deliver on your end of it."

"Of course but I really do need to tell my friends about our arrangement The Mistress gets very prickly when people keep things from her and when she gets prickly well things tend to explode." Seb explained simply, clearly as sensible as this tailor fellow was in recognising Seb's innate superiority from the rest of the human rabble he clearly still wasn't the brightest. It was never a good idea to piss off a time lord, especially when that time lord was a time lady, and one who was used to getting her own way.

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