Chapter 18

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It was a strange experience having no corporal form. Honestly after a trip through the Eye of Harmony and an extended stay in the Time Lord Matrix, not to mention her own version The Nethersphere The Mistress really should have been used to it. Yet how could any physical being ever get used to that sensation of ripping and stretching? Her little changeling couldn't and Missy could only watch, part of her even a little sad, as its representation turned to dust and scattered, the universe pulling it down to base particles and then nothing...nothing except the echoing sound of crying...

Well it was better than the drums but even so Missy found the sound unnerving, like she should understand what it signified and yet the answer was somehow just out of her reach. Sound shouldn't exist in a vacuum but then again neither should she and yet here she was floating listlessly among the stars like yet another forgotten relic.

She could just let go and let herself dissipate as well...

Well if she was any being other than The Mistress she would have but Missy had "died" one too many times and she was just a little too stubborn. Besides there were other ties keeping her tethered...

Even now she could feel them, the one back to whatever remained of her corporal form was the strongest, a pleasing coil of purple that at least reassured The Mistress there was something to return to. Neatly coiled around it was another fainter link, much fainter than the others but Missy could still distinguish it against the nothingness that surrounded her, a warm chocolate brown. Osgood it had to be, it was the same colour as her eyes and they had been telepathically linked on several occasions now but Missy was surprised to already see a bond forming.

Perhaps that had been why she had been unable to kill the lecturing little pest, she was subconsciously already aware of the bond and therefore was avoiding the psychic headache that would inevitably ensue if she murdered the girl?

Other fainter ties vanished off into different directions, one probably even led to Galifrey if Missy could be bothered to search and find the residual link to the Time Lord collective consciousness. There was only one other that stood out almost as bright as her own link, it blazed a familar blue against the star lit back drop and Missy knew without even running her consciousness along it just where that link would take her. A certain Tardis and a certain Time Lord.

Part of her ached to follow the latent telepathic bond to her best enemy. The Doctor despite being a relatively poor telepath himself had managed to forge a very strong bond with his Tardis, or to be more precise his Tardis had forged a strong connection with him compensating for The Doctor's natural handicap. Their many telepathic connections over their lifetimes had left a widely carved path for her to follow; far easier for her than him but then she always was the stronger one. The Mistress had used that bond to her advantage once before when she had combined her telepathic power and The Doctor's bond to call the Tardis to them when The Doctor had blown up Rassilon's base and doomed them both to death.

Come to think of it that ungrateful lump of a Time Lord had never actually thanked her for that...

So why not pop in? Just for a quick visit whilst she still had the chance and the power to do so...

Missy was certain The Doctor was already trying to find where she and Osgood had vanished too. It surely wouldn't hurt to drop in and check on his progress and if he had been slacking off find a new way to properly motivate him she thought with sadistic glee as she grasped the connection and felt the sudden surprise of the Doctor's Tardis. That surprise quickly turned to a warning, something that to Missy's mind sounded akin to a cat hissing and puffing up its fur to make itself look bigger.

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