Chapter 3: JE? No...

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Well, YEET. Let see who had recognized Y/N. I'm listening to my playlist right now, and groovin'! 

Also, we know if it's a story I write if I include Thunder MacKing and Goofy Ahh George as the picture at the top of the chapter 🐖🚗.



Someone knows me? They must have witnessed the Wuwathian War, because that's the only way to- but then how do they know my name? Thoughts are running through my head and I can't organize them. I wonder if the other side had a spy, unless... I look up and recognized the country in front of me instantly.

"JE?!!?" I gasped, wasn't she dead?

"NO, Japan." Japan scowled, her tail stopped waving around as much. "I know my mom's a horrible person, no need to rub it in."

"No she wasn't, she was amazing. I guess I just miss her a whole lot. What did she do on Earth, because she never talked about it?" I quickly replied, this was my chance to regain any form of friendship with a fellow Guardian.

"Yeah, um... some of the worst stuff she did was slavery, massacres, human experimentation, starvation, and forced labor. There was some other stuff but... yeah." Japan mumbled under her breath. "But I've made amends, and guess what?"

"What?" I said.

"I. Am. Friends. With. AMERICA!!!" Each time she stopped added more suspense, until the sudden eruption of energy. I didn't remember her acting like this. "Isn't it crazy? Like, him and my mom were like mortal enemies."

She went on and on, hooking arms with me, interrupting my normally pooffy  sleeve. We then walking over to her homeroom subconsciously. I quietly listened to her, and answered her questions accordingly. Then, she stopped. Her eyes locked someone else's, and her pupils narrowed into cat-like slits. I looked across and saw someone I didn't expect to make her turn cold all of the sudden like that. 

Italy was staring at Japan, and they looked like second generation JE and America. Mortal enemies. Japan and Italy went from besties to enemies, and so did many of the others. Poor Russia's been by himself because of the hate he's received. I've also recently learned that he watched USSR as he slowly collapsed. People don't come back all together from stuff like that, trust me. I know.

"Y/N, why are you hanging out with her?" Italy's eyes widened when he noticed me next to JE, no Japan. "Come walk with me, I'm in your homeroom anyways!"

"F- I mean Italy, why can't we three walk together?" I asked, testing the waters.

"NOT WITH THAT CREATURE!!!" They both screamed at the same time, besties or not they share the same braincell. "DON'T COPY  ME!!!" Yep, same braincell.

"Ok, ok-" The bell interrupted me before I could finish my sentence.

"See? Now me and Y/N have to go, or we'll be late." Italy hissed, grabbing me and dragging me away. 

I turned my head to see Japan looking sad. So, I sent a red breeze her way, ruffling her hair a bit. She wagged her tail again and winked at me. I nodded back and winked under my mask. I looked ahead to where we were going and turned my head to see Italy staring at me. We made eye contact and he quickly looked away.

"You can let go of my arm now." I whispered.

"Right!" He quickly dropped my arm, and the sleeve puffed up again. "What were you doing with her?" He looked nervous and fiddled with his sleeve.

"Japan? Well, we hadn't seen each other in a couple of months. And we're friends so-"

"You're friends?" He exclaimed loudly.

"Well, yeah. You're my friend too, aren't you?"

"You can't be friends with her. We absolutely hate each other."

"I can make time for both of you. It's not that hard since I don't have many friends."

"I mean, as long as I don't need to be within a 5 mile radius of her."

I laughed. Italy was over dramatic sometimes. He smiled a little. We reached the classroom as the bell rung again. We quietly filed into the room at the back of a line. That's what we do according to Italy. I entered a classroom unlike any I've ever seen, it was so... modern. Nothing like Wuwathian classrooms. At all. It also seemed basic. Whatever it was I didn't like it, in fact I hated it. I'm glad my vision is restricted by my new mask. (Just search up metal mask and choose one you like, specifically search metal mask, no caps or anything.)

The teacher of the class frowned at me. I guess I just look really out of place. It was North Korea, the guy who stole Italy's title.. That's all I actually know about him, also that he was part of the war. Lol, he looks so serious. But young.

"Hi, my name's Kyi Kyi Soe Moe. Just call me Kyi." I said, using my fake name.
(Pronounciations: Kyi Kyi - Chi Chi. Soe - so. Moe - mow.)

"Hello Guardian." North said, his eyes narrowing.

"Northie, one, don't call me that. Two, aren't you really, really old now. How do you remember?" I said indignantly.

North scoffed at my comments, and told me off for my 'creative nickname'. "I'm not old. Besides, wasn't a Guardian your whole thing?"

Lots of students looked a bit confused at the 'old' comment. Obviously most countryhumans run by countryhuman years instead of human ones. I bet some of the don't know what a 'normal' human would look like, much less their existence. Me and North held eye contact for a while before he snapped back to reality and looked away. Wuss.

"Well Kyi, you can sit at the back next to Italy there, since you two seemed to have bonded in a way.

"Ok, Supreme Leader. Which by the way, was Italy's original creation, of which you stole." I walked to the back and sat down with a huff, then sat there a little confused as to why everyone was staring at me.

"That's my chair." a rough Russian accent broke the deadly silence, and fear engulfed the room.

"Kyi, your chair is on your right. That's..." Italy whispered, even though the whole class could hear him anywhere.

Russia stared down at me with an intent to hurt, no... torture. This is nothing like the sweet kid he actually is, or was. What on earth happened? Was it USSR's death? Probably, it's always damaging to see a parent die. Especially if they were considered strong, by you or others. It's a real eye opener. Russia's eyes widened a little when he finally recognized me.

"Y/N..." He mumbled, then his eyes narrowed. "Weren't you like 25 or something in WW2?"

"Correction, 21. And apparently when I go to the human world I turn 17. Which is a real bummer since I already know all of the stuff we're going to lea-" I didn't get to finish my sentence when Russia grabbed me and plopped me on my actual chair, but he was kind of gentle about it. "Umm, thanks?"

Russia just scoffed and stared a hole through all the classmates who were staring at us, leaving those who were smart enough to look away. North started the lesson (which was algebra. Seriously though, WHO STARTS THE SCHOOL YEAR WITH ALGEBRA??? North Korea.), and soon enough the bell rang and me and Italy basically teleported out of that hell, Russia silently followed behind us. 

I saw Japan and tried to walk over to her, but Italy yelled "I have her for recesses, you can have her for lunch." Japan looked a little upset but nodded and stalked over to America.

Italy led me to a roof and unbeknownst to him, Russia was following us. Italy and I chatted away on the rooftop while Russia stood a distance away, staring at us intensely. (I am in class right now and we're watching the Bad guy, it's so distracting...) The bell rang and all three of us jumped to an insane height. We all filed in for class, which was art, one of my favorite!


YEET. I'm finishing this chapter because the movie is too distracting.

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