Chapter 6: A Note

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hello friends. I'm back. I always come back, with months in between! And it's a short chapter too, I'm sorry!

Also, I've written out a whole story in a notebook over the past few nights. I'm thinking about writing it on Wattpad. Thoughts?



"What the hell is this?!!?" Yelled Myanmar, holding up a brown, faded piece of paper.

"I can't see it properly if you keeping waving it around like that Karen we met a few days ago at the local shops." I rolled my eyes and he shoved the piece of paper in my outstretched hand.

Oh no, it's Me Me's note. He- oh no.

"Well, what do you have to say? Keeping this from me for HOW LONG NOW?" He yelled, ok he's really upset.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't know how to tell you and we had just lost her and we were trying to survive and I didn't want to distract us or have you upset at me." I kept trying to calm him down yet he kept getting  angrier and angrier.

"Get out!" He pointed at my bedroom door. "Get whatever stuff you need, and GET OUT!"

"Wait- Myanmar your being over drama-" I got a little angry too.

"NO. OUT NOW!" Suddenly, Myanmar's eyes changed colors. His bright green eyes turned... purple. A sharp pain stabbed me in the chest, a pain similar to when we were colonized. Myanmar was doing something bad to the country Myanmar.

"Myanmar, stop. You're hurting-" I start, but he quickly interrupted me.

"Yeah, I am! Now leave." He was dead serious.

I grabbed some stuff and put it in my bag. I couldn't believe it. He was making a military coup happen in the country. Again. Now, I'm walking down the street trying to decide which friend to call. Italy would definitely let me stay at his place, but he doesn't have a large house. Russia might but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be for long. Japan is a girl like me, so that awkwardness wouldn't be there, and she's pretty well off. Japan it is.

I call Japan and she answers immediately, which is a bit startling. Usually I deliberately wait a few rings until I pick up to not look like I'm always on my phone, even though I kind of am.

"Hi, Japan!" I said.

"Who is this?" A voice, not Japan's, spoke from the other end.

"Oh, I'm Japan's friend, is Japan there?" I asked, a bit confused as to why a stranger was answering her phone. I heard from the other line the person shouting Japan's name and saying I had called her. Then, she spoke. "Hi, sorry about that!  Who is this?"

"Hi Japan! It's me. I have a question." I said.

"Oh, HI BESTIE!!! What's your question?" Japan squealed from the other end.

"I- uhm... I was wondering if I could... stay at your place tonight, and possibly a few nights after?" I requested slowly, suddenly unsure as to whether she'd let me stay over or not.

"Sure! My place is open whenever you'd like to come over! I can't believe this, you're coming! EEEEEH!!! We can stay up late and binge watch anime and all sorts of stuff! Can I ask why?" She chattered, excitedly.

"Oh, I was- I kind of... got kicked out." I mumbled.

"WHAT? Who's the wretch who did that? I kill them! How dare they!" Japan's mood changed.

"My brother... he got upset about something and wanted me out. To be honest, I would have done the same. I don't blame him." I defend Myanmar, he's my brother so I guess I just always have to.

"Wow... you're so quick to forgive. You're an amazing person, Y/N." Japan admired.


I'M SORRYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW THIS TOOK FOREVER!!! IT'S DONE BUT STILL SORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a short chapter too, I just have to motivation, other than 'don't disappoint the strangers on wattpad by never updating your story and never going online again'. I'm just getting through some stuff, it's been a slow recovery. Bye!

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