fifty-five| secrets

74 3 0

September 1991
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Harry stood before the imposing mansion, his heart racing as he took in the grandeur of Edward's estate. He had left the trailer park and his mother behind in Iowa to make the journey to Los Angeles, and now he found himself at a crossroads. The contrast between his humble upbringing and the opulence of this mansion was overwhelming.

The sprawling mansion seemed like a world apart from the small, cramped trailer he had grown up in. He had never imagined himself in a place like this, and the feeling of intimidation washed over him.

Behind him, Edward exchanged a few words with his chauffeur. He and the man had gone to pick Harry up from the airport earlier in the evening.

The chauffeur promptly departed after his interaction with Edward, leaving the two of them alone. Edward approached him, dragging one of the suitcases behind him. Harry's belongings were modest, so there wasn't much except some clothes, books, and toiletries to pack.

Harry felt both feelings of awkwardness and relief as he contemplated his decision to live with Edward. It was a chance for him to take care of his mother's mounting hospital bills, and he looked forward to relieving the burden he had unintentionally become for her. His plan was to seize the opportunities in Los Angeles, to earn money and send it back to Iowa, ensuring his mother's well-being from afar.

He hesitated before speaking, apprehensive about addressing the confident and somewhat arrogant movie star who had taken him in. But he knew there was something more to Edward beneath the surface, a kindness that had become evident during their interactions—he hated admitting that the man had done plenty of good to him.

"I appreciate you letting me stay here," Harry began, his voice steady despite his nervousness.

Edward's eyes twinkled with a hint of warmth as he walked past Harry and up the steps to the front door. "Well, Harry, you've got the potential, and I see something in you," he acknowledged. "Come on, let's get you settled in before I show you around."

He unlocked the door with a key he retrieved from his pocket, revealing the interior, which was as grand on the inside as the mansion was on the outside. He couldn't comprehend how a single person could own all of this. It just wasn't clicking.

He followed Edward through the spacious hallways, their footsteps echoing in the vast, empty rooms.

The actor turned to Harry with a reassuring smile. "It might be a bit overwhelming at first, but you'll get used to it. This place is a lot to take in, but it's also a home."

Harry nodded, still trying to wrap his head around the reality of the situation. "You've lived here alone all this time?"

Edward's expression became somewhat wistful. "That's why I asked you to come and keep me company."

He chuckled lightly, rubbing his arm. "What, you need a bed warmer?"

His response was quick, and he leaned in to plant a kiss on Harry's cheek before he could react. The unexpected gesture left Harry blushing. The moment hung in the air, his blush deepening as he tried to process what had just occurred.

Edward cleared his throat, embarrassment crossing his features. "I'm sorry. That was... maybe a bit too forward."

Harry sent him a small, nervous smile. "It's just, you caught me off guard, that's all." Or he should have said the delicateness with which he kissed him had surprised him.

The actor's usual cocky demeanour was momentarily replaced by a more vulnerable side. "I just want you to know that I appreciate you being here, Harry. It gets lonely in this big house, and you've brought some life back into it already."

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