Chapter 19

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On hearing the urgency in Saya's voice, Akira and his girlfriends, hurried to rinse off and get dressed. Akira got dressed in his school uniform and the girls got dressed in their same clothes that they wore before they had their fun with Akira.

Of course, Tomoko, Toshimi and Mizusu were limping as they got dressed before the four of them followed after Saya and Shizuka upstairs to the third floor.

Saya had informed them, that Takashi left with Hisashi's motorcycle to pick up a small group of kids being surrounded by a horde of zombies. When they got to the top floor, Akira was shocked because the school nurse, Ms Shizuka Marikawa was naked!!

Akira closed his eyes as he stepped away from the stairs, then he heard what Saya had to say to Kohta who was outside on the balcony

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Akira closed his eyes as he stepped away from the stairs, then he heard what Saya had to say to Kohta who was outside on the balcony.

Saya told Kohta and the others to pack up as their was no way, any of them can stay in the apartment with all the god damn noise. That was when Akira, Tomoko, Toshimi and Mizusu realized that it was too quiet both inside and outside the apartment. The four of them then hurried to help the rest of their group with the bags the others had packed or are packing.

Eventually when, the four of them grabbed bags and their main weapons from their escape from the school, with Toshimi grabbing a cast iron skillet as her weapon of choice for the moment, they left the apartment entrance and walked down the stairs to see that the street was empty of all life or undead life, and that the others were outside watching the street as they set their bags down in front of the gate.

"Jesus Christ, sensei. How about you take a look in that backpack, and find some clothes to put on." Akira heard Saya say from behind him and turns his head to see what she means only to blush and look away as Shizuka now realizes that she is naked and has a long brown duffel bag covering the front of her body. "Ah! No wonder I was feeling cold!" Then she ran past the other students as the rest of the guys looked away to not anger the girls.

"Busujima-senpai, we need to get the car ready." Mizusu decided to cut in as she looked up at Saeko as she was standing on top of one of the lampposts of the gate. "And now is our chance to get it. Now that the zombie convention, is out there, after Takashi." Saeko stated as this caused the other students to lean over the fence in confusion.
Only to understand what Saeko ment, as they saw a large horde of zombies, down the street.

"Holy crap." Ryosei cursed under his breath, completely speechless at seeing so many zombies. "What are we gonna do about that? At that rate, he won't be able to come back, even on the bike." Saya stated.

"If so; we have no choice but to go get him." Shizuka spoke up, gaining everyone's attention, as she was now sober and was buttoning up a clearing too small white blouse.

The rest of the students were speechless as they stared at the school nurse, making her flustered as she began to explain and said that she has the car keys.

"No, that sounds like a plan." Saeko said agreeing with Shizuka as the others began to join in on agreeing with their teacher's suggestion on saving their friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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