Lovers Quarrel

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Over the past week the three of you had settled into a comfortable routine. You and Diane would wake up and get ready at four am, then you'd join Mildred in the Kitchen for breakfast. Mildred and Diane took turns cooking- you offered to cook but they both declined saying that they weren't ready for your concoctions that early in the morning- you pouted at that but eventually relented because you knew they had a point. 

You realized quickly that Mildred was not a morning person, she was often a bit grumpy or quiet. You learned to not bombard her with your crazy energy first thing, especially not before her coffee. 

But you hardly focused on her sour mood because you were too busy ogling her each morning. The first time you saw her all dressed up in her nursing uniform you about died. You stopped dead in your tracks making Diane bump right into you. Looking over your shoulder Diane realized the problem and whispered a little "Close your mouth dear." Before making her way into the kitchen. 

Before leaving for the day Mildred would kiss Diane on the cheek and ask you for a hug which you always gave her. You didn't think you'd miss her honestly, and for the first few days you didn't. But eventually you started wishing she was home more often. 

Your relationship with Mildred had been slowly but surely improving. She was respectful of your boundaries which made it easier for you to get closer to her. You started sitting on her lap during movies (because you missed her during the day even though you'd never admit it), you gave her longer hugs, and she took to sitting with you and Diane in bed until she was too sleepy to stay any longer. 

You were still standoffish sometimes when your jealousy and resentment over things got the best of you... but those episodes were becoming fewer as the days passed. Diane and Mildred always realized though, even when you tried to hide it.

The bruises had finally all faded, even Mildreds newest addition. Diane had noticed the mark later the same day, you were surprised to see a brief glimpse of jealousy in her eyes before she smiled at you. You knew she was happy that you and Mildred were bonding, and you didn't know where the jealousy was stemming from, but it made you worry that there would be issues down the road. 

But it also made you feel better about your own feelings because now you didn't feel like the only person who was struggling with this adjustment.  Everything came to head though about mid-week.

Stupidly you had started it all of course. You had gotten upset at Diane because she was being weird about letting you go outside alone. Diane was home most days with you and pretty much followed you around, which you usually loved. But that day Diane had something to do in her office and you wanted to go to the farm- which was walking distance away- Diane told you to wait for her and you didn't feel like it. So stubbornly, you pressed to be allowed to go by yourself. You argued that Mildred said you'd have free reign and that they wouldn't keep you locked up. 

Diane of course got all weird about you going without her. And then your stupid ass basically told her that you're sick of being with her all the time- you didn't really say that at all, but you knew how Dianes brain worked- so that made her even more weird. Mildred was normally the one to talk her down from things like this and reason with her. But Mildred was at work, so Diane refused to let you leave the house. Then you just made it all worse by attempting to leave even after she told you no. Diane had grabbed you in a literal second. Your hand had just touched the door and she already had you in her arms scooping you up like you weighed nothing. 

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