The Sex Talk

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The first month of classes at Hogwarts had gone on as expected. Cass of course blew off most of her lessons in favor of getting extra practice out on the pitch. They had just concluded their tryouts for the new season and as captain, Cass was confident that her team would lead them to their sixth victory as Quidditch house champs. James was a decent enough co-captain though she felt she could handle it all on her own. She was proud of him though. He was finally getting his chance at playing seeker this year. Cass looked at James before nodding and addressing the hopeful players, "okay that's it for today. James and I will talk over the assessment tonight and post the list in our common room mid week. Our first game is this weekend against Gryffindor. We want enough time to prep you for the ass kicking we will be giving those whiny assholes."

James snickered beside her, "I don't think whiny assholes is an appropriate term for a pep talk."

"Red isn't here which means I get free reign to say and do as I please," Cass's eyes scanned over their potential team mates and saw her girlfriend standing off on the side of the pitch giving her a little wave. "Third years, put the brooms away and clean up the pitch."

"What? How is that fair?" One of the younger kids spoke up.

Cass scoffed, "fairs are for tourists."

James let out a loud laugh, "I think I've heard your mum say that to you a time or two."

"Which means I'm an expert on the matter. Now," she spoke to her young team mates again, "clean it up. If I hear from the Ravenclaws that you left the pitch in a state, you will sit out the first game."

There was no further commotion from the team as they cleaned up. James and Cass started to make their way over to their respective changing rooms, "the new ones weren't so bad."

Cass rolled her eyes, "they weren't so good either. No fuss, we can pick from the lot and put them where we don't want to be. You as our seeker and me scoring the goals, we won't have any issues this year. Too bad we lost Freddy as a beater. He was really top notch."

James nodded, "first and only Weasley in the Slytherin house."

"Out of the brood of them, there had to be a less disappointing one," Cass cackled.

"I thought you liked Professor Weasley?"

Cass shrugged, "she's the exception and George. That's it. Victoria better stay out of my way at the game."

"I swear she thinks we are meant to be soulmates because her dad was best mates with my dad."

Cass's laugh sounded like her mum's, "it would help if she didn't have the personality of a soggy piece of bread." They stopped just in front of Cass's girlfriend. She looked to see if any professors were in eye shot before leaning in and pecking her cheek. "Hi. Did you see the try outs?"

"Hi," she blushed after the small kiss. Cass's affections never failed to make her smile. "I did. Well most of it. I was actually in the library with both of your sisters."

"Minnie was in the library with Pandora? And the castle hasn't gone up in flames?"

"I was the mediator," Sam assured both of the concerned looking Slytherins. "From what I heard Minerva offered to help Pandora with her Ancient Runes homework. I happened to stumble across them when I went in to return a couple of books. I had to see what was going on," she confessed.

"My sister and Minnie," James had a weird look on his face. "They hate each other so passionately."

"I'd say Minnie hates your sister and Pandora tolerates my sister. I don't think the daughter of Luna Lovegood had a hateful bone in her body."

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