Pizza and Prisoners

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A week has gone by since the meeting at Hogwarts. Cass was able to reproduce the movement in her toe everyday since and the therapist was pleased with her progress no matter how small. Bella had spent every minute helping Cass with her rehabilitation and also her homework even if they both thought it was ridiculous. When nighttime rolled around, they would snuggle in Cass's bed until she eventually passed out only to be woken up by her mother rejoining her at some point during the night. Not once did she ask where Hermione was because Cass was smart enough to infer that things didn't go her way at the meeting. "What did I do to piss mum off enough not to believe me? I didn't think I was that untrustworthy growing up. I mean sure I was a bit of an asshole but that's part of the Black charm," Bella caught Cass talking to Penny one day while she had been going downstairs to fetch their lunch. "If she just watched the memory, she would see."

"Sweetheart," Bella interrupted the moment, "this isn't on you. Do not for a moment think that you did something wrong here. They will all see."

Cass didn't know what that meant but she knew her mummy would take care of everything, "will she be back for my birthday?"

"It's not every year a witch turns 18. That's up to you. Minnie and Sam?" She looked at her daughter to see if she had made amends with her girlfriend yet. Cass perked up at the mention of her girlfriend, "they will be coming back for your birthday and then home for the holidays a week later."

"I don't know about mum yet."

Bella nodded, "you still have a month to decide. Don't rush into anything you may regret one day." She helped her daughter into her wheelchair and pushed her over to the little table they had set up in Cass's room.


"Well I didn't make them. Twiggy has perfected the big Mac since you were in my uterus. Try it. Tastes just like a trip to McDonald's."

"Ew do you have to talk about me being inside of your stomach while I'm trying to eat," Cass looked disgusted.

"That's how it happened, kitten. Don't know what to tell you there," she cackled. "Go on. Try it."

Cass took a big bite because even if it didn't taste like her favorite fast food, it was still a burger so she knew she'd like it, "twiggy is a genius. She needs a raise."

"She'll be happy to hear that you approve," Bella took a bite of her own burger.

Their lunch was very much enjoyable with pleasant conversation surrounding a few burgers. Another trait the Black girls had in common was that they could eat and eat well.  Half way through their seconds an unexpected visitor stopped by, "Auntie Bella? You up here?"

"What's Teddy doing here?" Cass asked with her mouthful.

Bella shrugged, "no idea. Up here Teddy! Cass's room."

They heard eager footsteps running up the grand staircase, "two of my favorite people," he let himself into the room. "Oh! Burgers!"

"Help yourself. Twiggy always makes too much," Bella pushed a chair out for her nephew. Apparently the Black appetite was passed onto Nymphadora and subsequently Teddy. He immediately helped himself getting lost in conversation with Cass. "Don't think that I'm not happy to see you but did you come here for a reason, Teddy?"

"Oh!" He swallowed his bite, "a work request. Harry sent me."

"I don't work for the DMLE anymore, I've been retired for years."

"A case consult I think," Teddy shrugged. "As the new official guy on the force and your favorite nephew, I was tasked with coming to beg for your assistance."

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