Cass's Big Game

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First week of June 2024

Three months had passed since everything had been revealed and the Weasley trio had been removed from the Wizarding World. If you asked Bella, the world was a shinier place without the filth. When their wands were destroyed and they were escorted to their muggle cottage, she really wanted to go but she took the high road and flipped them off from inside the border of Diagon before Teddy, Kate and Draco apparated them out of there. She tried to plan a celebration party the evening they left but Hermione reminded her about the concept of humility which she never did enjoy. The girls had owled her multiple times to let her know that everything had settled down at school and the Gryffindors were apologizing like crazy to Ember. Everything was as it should be and Bellatrix couldn't be happier, "it's about time the Blacks are back on top."

Andy laughed, as they sat inside McDonalds for their weekly sister lunch. They had been doing their lunches for a few years now but this past year, they hadn't kept up with them. After everything went back to normal, they were able to restart their lunches. "Excellent choice," she took a big bite of her quarter pounder. "We haven't had a good maccers in ages."

"Is Cissy gracing us with her presence today? She's been so cranky without her wife around."

"Only a few more weeks of school and Aviya will be back."

Bella shrugged, "yeah but is she coming?"

"Yes, until I told her that we were going to McDonald's then she said she would have to check her work schedule."

"What a cunt."

"That's not a nice thing to say about your baby sister," Bella didn't bother to turn around. "The least you could do is acknowledge my presence."

"Oh," Bella looked up from her chicken nuggets. "My apologies, are you lost, madam?"

"It seems a lady has wandered over to our table. Should we invite her to join us?"

"Well," Bella pretended to think, "I suppose we could be charitable and let her join us."

"I mean," Andy smirked, "she has to eat a Big Mac or she can't join us."

Cissy was over the antics, "you two at the worst. Scoot over." She slid into the bench next to Andy. "What is this Big Mac?"

"The Big Mac," Bella handed her a box. "Is so delicious. You will hate it."

They sat in silence and watched as their youngest sister examined the burger. Narcissa poked at it a few times before bringing it up to her mouth and taking a tentative bite.

"She hates it," Andy whispered across the table.

"Or she hates us."

Cissy chewed her bite and swallowed it, washing it down with a drink from Bella's cup, "that was an experience. And yes I hate you both."

"You are trying to tell me that all these years and Ms. Hart never tried to take you to McDonalds? I don't buy that for one second."

Andy cackled, "she probably enjoyed it then. We aren't fucking her."

"Well?" Bella looked at Cissy with some sort of expectations.

"It's not the worst thing I've had in my mouth and yes I have been here with Aviya and the company was much more enjoyable."

"They fucked in the bathroom," Bella grabbed the Big Mac back. "Go get your own food."

"Here," Andy slid her own tray which had extra food on it. "Help yourself. It sure is hard being everyone's favorite sister but somehow I manage."

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