Fucking Finally

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It had taken the techs over a week to get any sort of evidence from the items Teddy and Draco collected from the headmistress's office. Minerva was a little less than thrilled when the DMLE came into her office but once Teddy pulled out the orders from Bella and Harry, she stepped aside and let them do their job. Once the lap techs dropped off the information to Bella, she was ready to move on Hogwarts but stopped when she remembered Hermione wanted to go to the soul healer first.

Hermione and Bella had been sitting inside the soul healers office for twenty minutes staring at various decorations throughout the room. Neither of them had started the conversation. "These things usually go a lot quicker if the participants actually speak to each other," the soul healer offered an amused smile.

Bella rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. Hermione knew that look, "if we are waiting for Bella to speak first then we might as well just leave now." The over exaggerated sigh that came from her wife was proving Hermione's point, "see stubborn."

"I'm stubborn? Who wouldn't watch their daughter's memory for months?" Bella immediately regretted choosing that as her opening lines. "I'm sorry," she was going to reach out to touch her wife when she thought better of it and stopped herself, "I didn't mean that."

"Yes you did mean it Bella," Hermione tried not to let the disappointment come through.

"And it's okay to mean it," the soul healer chimed it. "That's what we are here to work on first. These events are real and they happened but it's over or at least part of it is and we can't change the past but we can learn from it and grow as individuals and in this case a family."

"Look I know why you did what you did, Hermione and as of yesterday... I may know a little more about it now than you do."

"Wait... what's that supposed to mean? Did they find something at the school?"

Bella shrugged, "I can't really discuss an active investigation at least not until we get to the crime scenes."

"Scenes? As in more than what happened to Cass..."

"Becca?" Bella gave her soul healer a pleading look knowing her wife wouldn't stop without intervention.

"Hermione, may I call you that?" When the brunette nodded, the soul healer continued, "like Bella already said, she can't discuss an active investigation. I think we should bring the conversation back around to the two of you as a couple."

Hermione looked between the soul healer and her wife, "hmm I don't know how I feel about the two of you ganging up on me but I can see your point, Dr. Whitmore. Should we start with how much of an utter disappointment as a wife and mother I've been this past year or is there a starting point you had in mind."

It was Bella's turn to stare. She knew her wife had it in her but she didn't actually expect her to mouth off to the soul healer like that, "pet," she tried to engage. It was a dual meaning reply. She didn't want Hermione to embarrass her in front of her long time healer and also she didn't want Hermione to do or say anything she might regret.

"Let's start with your physical intimacy. Have you had sex recently?"

"Oh," Hermione's face started turning pink.

"Just jumping right in there aren't you?" Bella cackled, "no we haven't had sex since all of this started."

"That's not entirely true," Hermione's tone was hushed.

"Oh yes that's right, there was that delicious round of hate sex before Cass's birthday party in the Ministry lift but I don't think that's what Becca is talking about, is it doc?"

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