Talking to Portraits

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"For what it's worth I believe you, Minnie," kept playing over and over in the youngest Black's head as she made that long walk to the headmistress's office. It was only a few days before Cass's birthday and all the news from home hadn't been too positive. She kept in regular contact with her sister through text messages even though cell phones were considered contra banned at Hogwarts. After everyone except a select few had written her off as a liar, she wasn't too concerned about following the school rules. She used her phone as often as she liked whenever and wherever she pleased. When Slughorn told her to put it away during class she merely looked at him and said, "Blacks don't follow school policy, Professor," and packed up her stuff leaving class early. That seemed to be the final straw for him as she was summoned to headmistress McGonagall's office. Her grades hadn't slipped and she still attended all of her classes so she wasn't quite sure what the problem was. "For what it's worth I believe you Minnie," her long term rival grabbed her arm before she left Potions class and whispered to her. Pandora Lovegood was now among the really short list of those who believe that Minnie saw Weasley attack her sister and she wasn't quite sure what to do with that information. Pandora wasn't the type of girl who would say something that she didn't fully believe. She was just like her mother in that regard. Minnie never saw eye to eye with her and they weren't friends but they grew up together. A mutual tolerance for each other's existence is the best she could describe their relationship. That was until the blonde grabbed her and told her that she believed her. She thought back to the first time she rode the Hogwarts express and how blatantly rude she was to Pandora and after six years, she actually regretted it.

*September 1st, 2018*

"Take a seat, Min," Cass had opened the door to the cabin they had from last year. James was already inside. Pandora was sitting next to him looking out the window. "Fresh meat coming through," Cass cackled as Minnie took a seat opposite James leaving the seat across from Pandora for her sister. "Where's Freddy?"

James shrugged, "he said something about his grandmother telling him he had to sit with Victoria. She didn't want to sit with us."

"What a bitch," Cass rolled her eyes. "Good. She thinks she's Godric's gift to flying. She can go sit elsewhere."

"She's going to be sorted to Gryffindor," James rolled his eyes. "Glad I dodged that bullet."

"What about you Pandora... where do you want to be sorted?"

Pandora stared at Cass for an uncomfortably long time, "I suppose I'll go wherever the nargles lead me."

James gave Cass a look pleading for her not to say anything or egg her on so she responded, "I bet you'll be a ravenclaw like your mother."

"It would be an honor," she smiled then turned to Minnie. "And where will you go Minerva? Gryffindor I'm sure."

Minnie's face turned red and Cass wasn't sure if it was from embarrassment or anger, "no you airhead. I'm going to be sorted into Slytherin like the rest of us Blacks. I couldn't possibly see myself in any of the inferior houses." She folded her arms over her chest and looked out the door, avoiding the rest of the conversation.

If Pandora was upset she didn't show it, she just pulled out a bag of sweets and went back to looking out the window. Cass gave James a look and he came over to squeeze next to her, "well this is going to be a fun train ride."

"I thought Minnie might want to get sorted into Ravenclaw," James whispered, "but I'm not saying anything in fear that she will rip my head off next."

Cass leaned in, "being in Gryffindor is a sore subject in our house." She looked out in the hall when she heard a familiar sound, "oi it's the trolley lady. I'm going to get us a bunch of shit to eat." She turned to her sister, "come with me. Let's get some treats."

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