The Hermione Black Apology Tour

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Teddy never realized how difficult side by side apparation was until he had to do it holding his unconscious aunt. She was already a petite person and they stuck her with a featherlight charm but there was still a lot of concentrating that had to happen so neither of them got splinched. Andy had left the estate first to wait for them in case there were any accidents on their quick travel home. He had seen Bella angry before but this was new territory for Teddy. The last time he could remember her this upset was when Hermione was in the hospital but he was young and it was nothing compared to what he witnessed in that basement. Students in his class at Hogwarts called her Mad Bellatrix Lestrange behind his back and he always hexed them for it. The guilt was beginning to set in and when they landed in front of his grandma she could read it on his face. "I didn't mean to hit her that hard." He looked down at his aunt in his arms. Somehow she looked at peace and distressed at the same time. "I just couldn't let her kill him. If she had gone that far, she might never come back to us."

Andy felt a pain in her heart for her grandson, "you did the right thing, son. If she'd have killed him, she would be locked away for the rest of her life. She can come back from this."

"How are you so positive?"

Andy brushed some of the hair from Bella's face, "because I need her to be okay. Let's get her to bed. Put her in my room. She's staying with me until I decide she can be trusted alone,"

Teddy laughed, "she's going to love that."

Andy shushed his laughter but smiled at him, "well when you torture someone to the brink of death, you don't get as many free will choices as the rest of us." She followed him into the house, straight to her bedroom.

Teddy took her straight into Andy's bedroom, properly tucking her under the covers, "what happens now?"

"You can go if you want. I'll stay here with her, then in the morning after she wakes up I'll go strong arm Hermione into doing what I want."

"If you want to go talk to her now I can sit with Aunt Bella."

Andy looked over at the clock, "it's late. Though I guess I shouldn't be too considerate of her needs. You can go home though. I don't think Bella will be waking up anytime soon."

"I can't leave her after what I did," Teddy looked very upset thinking about hurting his aunt.

"You did what you had to do. She'll understand."

"What if she doesn't forgive me?"

Andy thought he sounded like he was five years old all over again, "sweetheart, Auntie Bella loves you more than life itself. She won't be mad at you. Not even for a second. Tell you what, we will both stay here tonight and in the morning we will call the soul healer then I'll go see Hermione. You can stay with Bella after she wakes up. How does that sound?"

"As long as she doesn't try to hex me..."

"I'll kill her if she tries."
True to her word, Andy woke up around 8am the next morning. Bella was still out of it. She ran a quick diagnostic on her and nothing seemed out of the ordinary so she left her under Teddy's watch and tore out of her bedroom. She marched straight to Bella's room to look for the vial of Minnie's memories knowing that she had it somewhere. She couldn't find it at first until she went into Bella's walk-in closet. On the wall across from where she kept her clothes, were dozens of glowing vials. "What in the world?" She walked over closer to examine the little labels of the bottles. They were specific dates on each one which she found strange. Next to the vials lay a little journal. When she opened it up, there was a short blurb about what memory each date corresponded with. She couldn't move past the one she had viewed 21 years ago. It was the vial that contained her daughter's death. Her breath caught in her throat allowing herself a moment to feel her grief before finding the one that corresponded to the memory from Minnie. "Here is it," she gently palmed the small glass before closing the journal and leaving Bella's memories at peace.

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