Hello Lestrange

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The days after the funeral bleed together for Bella and she slipped between her personalities without notice. She spent her days at home with her family and at night she would make frequent visits to her prisoner. This wasn't necessarily the future she had predicted for herself but she wasn't complaining right now. She got what she wanted and no one was the wiser. Truthfully, Bellatrix was growing tired of Weasel and was hounding Bella to kill him. Bellatrix had been whispering ideas to her for weeks now. Arsenic, knives to the feet and neck, gun shot wound, maybe just beat the fuck out of him and dump his body in muggle London. It's not like Bella would be tied to Bellatrix's crime if she killed him the muggle way. Bella was entertaining the idea but decided she would worry about that after the surgery and the new year. It was the week before Christmas and the morning of Cass's surgery. She was set for a 11am arrival with the procedure starting around noon. It would take a few hours but all of the doctors seem very hopeful. Cass had been admitted, currently sitting in her hospital bed with her mothers and sister by her side. "Are you worried that they will just make it worse?" Minnie asked innocently enough.

"Minerva," Bella shushed her daughter. "It's not going to get worse. If her doctors are optimistic then there is no reason to fill her head with that rubbish before the procedure."

"Yeah Minnie," Cass scowled, "piss off with that. I'll be flying before the end of the year."

"That's right, kitten," Bella patted Cass's shoulder.

"Exactly right," Hermione added, "only positive thoughts in this room.

"Right," Minnie tried to not roll her eyes at Hermione. She still hasn't forgiven her mother for everything but she was trying her best to push it aside for Cass because she knew it was important for her to have both of her mothers at home right now. "Where's kitty?"

"Your grandmother is out with your Aunts in the waiting room."

"Is Sam out there too, mum?"

"Yes darling," Hermione turned back to Cass. "She wanted to come in closer to the time when you were going back."

"Makes sense," Cass shrugged, "bet she's a right mess out there."

"No one can ward off unwanted feelings and emotions like your Auntie Cissy," Bella smirked, "she's been perfecting her craft for 60 some odd years now. I bet Sam's tears dried up instantly."

That made Cass laugh, "very true, mummy. I remember when I broke my leg."

"And your arm," Minnie smirked.

"And my arm. When you brought me here, Aunt Cissy didn't even have to lecture me. The look alone was enough to make me feel guilty. Thank goodness Aunt Ayvia was there to soften the blow."

"Speak of Ms. Hart... she's going to be in the operating room as the potioneer for your surgery. So with her, Dr. Hoffman, and the other healers there is really no need for this nonsense of worrying."

"Is anyone ever going to tell Aunt Cissy that her wife is better at making potions than she is?"

"Minnie," Cass laughed, "you can if you want to die."

"Pass. Maybe mum can tell her," the look she gave Hermione could be felt throughout the room.

Hermione wasn't stupid. She knew Minnie hadn't forgiven her and she was certain her wife hadn't either but Bella was at least acting cordial for their daughters, "excuse me. I'm going to go check on the doctor."

All three watched as Hermione left the room, the door closing behind her, "way to go, Minnie."

"I'm trying okay," she sounded defensive.

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