Bella's 80th Birthday

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Christmas Eve 2033 - ten years later

80. Where the hell did 80 years of Bellatrix Druella Black's life go? She didn't remember her 30s or most of her early 40s but from the day she met Hermione Granger and onward were the happiest decades of her life. Her life had changed significantly since Cissy pulled her away from the Battle of Hogwarts all those years ago. Thankfully witches aged slowly, she thought as she looked at herself in the mirror. Sure, she had more white hair than she did 40 years ago but aside from that and starting menopause, she didn't look a day over 45. Hermione woke her up in the usual birthday fair with a delicious round of birthday sex. "I still got it," she winked at herself in the mirror. She had opted for a comfortable look these past few years, trading her corsets in for leggings and sweatshirts, muggle dress clothes or jeans and tshirts. If her younger self could see her now, well she'd probably kill herself but Bella was happy. "They are here my love," she heard Hermione's voice echoing through the amplifier spell. Today, her babies were coming back into town for her birthday. Her daughters had moved out long ago to create lives of their own but today, their family unit would be back together for Bella's big day. She looked at herself once more, "yeah you are too young to be a grandmother," before turning and leaving her bedroom.

Bella came down the grand staircase when she heard the familiar call of her daughter from the entrance floo. She saw Hermione already there to greet them as well as Andy. Seriously, Bella thought, when is she going to move out? "Where is she? Where's Bella's baby?" She reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm right here mummy," Cass held her arms out for her mother.

"I wasn't talking about you, kitten," Bella still embraced her daughter. "You are old news. 28? Old news. I meant the baby. Where's my baby?"

"Your granddaughter is coming through with her mother. Something about not trusting me to hold her through the trip. Ridiculous accusations if you ask me."

"Well she is brand new," Hermione hugged her daughter, "Sam is just being careful."

Bella laughed, "she has a point. Can't splinch my baby so soon and don't say granddaughter. Makes me feel old and it's my birthday. You have to be nice to your mummy today."

"But you are old, Bella," Andy cackled. "80 candles right? The whole Manor will go up in flames."

"Why are you still here?"

Andy smirked, "I've nested. And I'm waiting for my great niece to come on through."

"Birthday girl has dibs on the baby," Bella waved her sister off.

"Auntie gets dibs. I haven't even gotten to see the nibblet yet. Don't be greedy, grandma," the emphasis on the title and laughed when Bella cringed.

"Would the two of you stop fighting over the baby? She's not even here yet and I won't have the two of you ruining Christmas over your continued childish behaviors."

Bella's face dropped after being properly admonished on her birthday. She turned and looked at her sister, "well now you've gone and done it. This better not interfere with my additional birthday orgasms later or I won't hesitate to hex you later."

"Ew mummy. No," Cass's face said it all.

"Don't be a prude, kitten. Your little orgasm trophy will be along any minute," Bella felt a sharp pain to her shoulder courtesy of her wife's well timed slap.

"Please never refer to your grand baby as an orgasm trophy again, Bella. Birthday or not, that is unacceptable."

Bella smirked, "oh come on now, pet. I'm 80. Elderly. I don't know any better."

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