Daggers to the Feet

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Bella, fully cloaked, apparated to the Rosier family estate. She didn't need to be cloaked but the extra protection also didn't hurt. She was on edge after her meeting with Hermione in the elevator. There were a lot of mixed emotions that came with that round of sex and Bella wasn't fully prepared to deal with them so she decided a trip to visit Ronald was in order. "Yes, nothing like a nice bit of torture to clear my head," she reversed her spell and walked straight through the blood magic allowing her to enter. "Pathetic," she heard whimpering coming from the basement. "He acts so ungrateful like I don't provide him with a water bowl and table scraps. Honestly, it's better than Azkaban. He should be thanking me." She rolled her eyes and made her way to the hidden steps that led to the basement. "Ronny, the entertainment is here," she cackled, "well the entertainment for me." The red head was unchained this time but sitting in the corner of the cell. She figured after the idiot tried to run at her wards and he hurt himself, the chains weren't necessary everyday. Just on the days he really pissed her off. "Well," she sat down on the chair outside of the cell door, "didn't you hear me?"

"What do you want, Lestrange?"

She cackled again, "I do so love when you know who comes in to visit you. There are no traces of Bella tonight. I wouldn't say that's good news for you."

"Did you at least bring me something to eat?"

She scoffed, "you aren't quite in the position to be making demands, Ronny. Remember who is the inferior being here. As my daughter would say, spoiler alert, it's you," her laugh was getting more unhinged. Every time she came to visit her prisoner she felt Bella slipping away. It was getting harder to reclaim her when she left. "Speaking of my daughter. She has to have yet another surgery. This is all because of your daughter in case you've forgotten."

"She did nothing wrong," he screamed when a hex was sent his way.

"Just because I'm not using unforgivables doesn't mean I can't torture you. You are lucky those are traceable or else you'd be getting crucio on the regular. That one used to be my favorite. Avada..." she saw him flinch, "was just too showy for me. Why kill immediately? Torture was always more fun. Watching your prey screaming, writhing and begging for relief? It was always exhilarating."

"Screaming and writhing? Doesn't sound like much fun."

Bella rolled her eyes, "how you managed to bed your wife is lost on me." She pulled the seat over closer to the cell, "as I was saying my daughter is having surgery soon. For everyday she is in recovery, I've decided a different torture is going to be inflicted. But I don't really want to wait until then to get started." She reached into her skirts and pulled out two daggers. "These are two of my favorites."

"You can do whatever you want with me but we both know when all is said and done and they finally find me dead or alive, Hermione is never going to forgive you for this. She's one of my best mates and I bet she's invested in this investigation. It's only a matter of time before she figures out what you are up to."

Bella looked at her daggers, thinking about what he was saying. It really was funny his delusions in regards to her wife. Friendship is one thing but she was positive her wife would eventually come around. If not for her then for her daughter. Still, she didn't want her prisoner to suspect anything suspicious between her and her wife so she figured throwing more digs at him was her best defense. "Hmm funny. She didn't mention you once when I was fucking her in the Ministry elevator early today."

"Oh so you've made up have you?"

"What part of fucking in the elevator are you having problems understanding?" She cackled when his face soured. "That's right weasel. Fucking in the Ministry is one of the many many perks associated with being wife of the Minister. I could always push the memory into your little brain if you don't believe me."

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