Chapter 10

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"Master?" You say waking up with his arms still tight around you.

"Mmmmm" he goes. You try to escape his grip however he pulls you closer to his body. You can feel his breath on the back of your neck.

"Sir I....I really need to pee" you can barely hold it anymore.

"Come back to me" he mumbles as his arms realise their grip.

Returning from the bathroom, Chan rolls over to face you as you walk over to get dressed for the day. "baby girl....did I say get dressed?"

You stop as you take the jeans off the hanger. "But work" you say looking over at him.

He raises his body "fine" pulling the sheets back he hops out walking over to you "I'll bring you back myself" he growls as he picks you up, you squeal as he throws you down on the bed.

"You're being a know that right?" He smiles placing kisses behind your ears.

"I am?" You question him playfully.

"Keep it up and I'll have to start punishing you"

"Is that a promise?" you smile playing with him.

He leans in his nose touching yours "keep it up and find you get ready for work"


The weekends are not long enough, not when I'm with her.

"Sir?" I heard coming from the cupboard.

"Yeah baby" I said not looking up from my phone.

"Does this look okay?"

I look up for a moment and my heart starts to pound. The dress rests just above her knees and her hair is curled and rests just above her collarbone. I gulp down the lump in my throat. "Wow" was all I could get out as she walked towards me.

"Is it appropriate for my induction into JYPE today?"

Breathe Channie BREATHE. I forgot she was coming in this morning to be shown around.

"Yeah that's appropriate for sure." I couldn't control my hands as they brushed up and down her thighs as she stood in front of me. I could feel goosebumps forming under my touch.

"God how did I get so lucky?" I thought to myself.

"Okay thank you" she said leaning down to kiss me. I grab the back of her thighs and pull her onto my lap.

She wraps her arms around my neck as she deepens the kiss, my arms wrapping around her waist pulling her closer.

" really need to get said you'd drive me in" she smiled pulling away.

Shit she was right....I can't have her late for her induction. "Okay.... Give me just a second" I said as she got off my lap.

Shit what should I wear? I pull out my jeans white shirt and a cap.

"Now I feel overdressed" she said as I walked out.

"Don't worry about it you look perfect" I said lifting her chin.

"Now let's go or you will be late" I placed a kiss on her forehead.


"I'll have to drop you off here...we can't be seen together" we stopped about a block away from the JYPE building down a small alley way hidden from the world.

"Okay....thank you for the ride in...I'll see you soon I guess" she giggled while taking her seatbelt off.

"Hey....missing something?" I said raising my eyebrows.

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